S29 (T16) Crusader one shots everything with one skill

No it won’t. If you give up khasset belt in the cube for this new power, you lose a huge amount of damage and FOH costs way more wrath. If you give up captain crimson belt for this new power, then you give up a huge amount of CDR and RCR, which nerfs both your offense and defense multiple times.

In S27 with the sanctified power you could plop the FOH power then on norvald’s mace or some other piece, and run the standard FOH item setup. Now you cannot.

The new FOH will obviously dominate T16 and EN up to 125 augs, but don’t expect much in GR beyond 90-100 or so.

The HF version of the valor set also can’t fit in this belt because it needs captain crimson and the cube armor slot is occupied by aquila cuiras, which is required so your character doesn’t get deleted against anything threatening.

The bonus really should have been on a bracer or finger slot, or it should have simply been added to the existing khasset belt bonus. What other build in the game has three required belts?


Both them belts should be included in 2 piece and 4 piece bonus in the set.


This here, it makes no sense to have two mandatory items in the same slot

One shotting things on t16…
How surprising…

A lot of builds are quite efficient on t16 and easy to play…

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Yes it will be the dominant build again for farming and EN augment grinding to 125. Beyond that you better get comfortable with pushing using invoker, the horrible carpal tunnel akkhan rework, or the wet napkin HF version of the valor set.

That is the ideal solution. The HF variants of the valor set are still strongly dependent on FOH, yet they have no way of fitting in any of the FOH items, so the FOH itself does essentially zero damage. You are spending a significant portion of time (even with the fissure rune) spamming a resource spender (FOH) that does no damage to buff another resource spender.

Giving legendary powers to unused basic legendaries is a good idea, but this new belt and the FOH power is the wrong way to do it.

Anyways, the empowered shrine potion proc from the altar was a massive buff to all crusader builds due to the additional 50% CDR (subject to diminishing returns) and this class is just one giant cooldown spamming fest. I find the class relatively unplayable when such a power is taken away.

Learn to kite instead of relying on Prophet to proc and re-proc cheat death over and over again :slight_smile:

This should be my key farmer?

yeah, pretty good at doing odds chores like getting bounty mats and key farming etc etc.

Sounds like a plan then thumbs-up :+1: