S27 - weird rolls with new sanctified consumable

I used the new cosumeable on an ancient weapon and it changed it to a sactify item but the stats went to crap, so I used another item and it rerolled it even worse. Next I tossed that item back in the cube to reroll it and it changed it to a primal, so I used the consumable item again and it changed it back to the original crap roll… so the new season item seems to be buggy, wouldn’t risk using them on any item you actually might want to use

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Well, it is PTR, which sole reason to exist is to test new features before it goes live.


I think you need to re-read the blog:


Sanctifying an item reforges it to have perfect Ancient-level stats on all affixes while also preserving the item’s Legendary Power.

While that indicates it will reforge it to have perfect Ancient-level stats, that doesn’t include this fact posted a bit farther down in the blog:

  • No stats are preserved when Sanctifying an item.

View the entire blog here:

Sad to say, this WILL change the stats on the item. I suggest using it on items that are not the one you are currently using but one with the best legendary power stat already. Then sanctify till you get one with good rolls.


Working as intended? Though I will agree, this is kinda idiotic for it to wipe the stats to random max stats… It will definitely cause some frustration.

Good luck.


I have tested these consumables and they will roughly 95 percent of the time roll the item as normal. They will occasionally roll the item as ancient, but only about 5 percent of the time. You can tell if they rolled as normal or ancient by looking at the max damage roll.

Thus, not acting as intended, since they implied the intention was to roll as max ancients, which they only do so very rarely.


I think they mean Ancient level stats, not Ancient item exactly, but its hard to know for sure. Not that it couldn’t be bugged on top of it.

Are the stats random though each time?

the max stat for a normal or an ancient are exactly the same every time, you can tell if the item is ancient or normal by the max value of the damage roll.

For example, I tested a bunch sanctifying a Dawn. Max damage stat for a normal Dawn is 1304. Max damage stat for an ancient Dawn is 1700. So when you use the Crucible on the item, if the max roll is 1304 for a Dawn it rolled as normal, but if the max damage is 1700 it rolled as ancient. I have used roughly 100 crucibles and only 5 rolled as ancient.

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Then it sounds like an issue yes. But they do roll randomly yes? You didn’t answer that yet.

Yes, which is why it took me 5 tries to get an Ancient roll with the correct Seasonal power I wanted. I am fairly sure they didn’t intend for us to use 100 Crucibles to get a correct item. The notes indicated they should roll with max ancient stats, however currently they are not doing so 95 percent of the time.

Does this include using them on an ancient? Like can sanctifying an ancient turn it into a normal with perfect stats?

yeah I rolled 25 times on a Travellers pledge, last attempt got a socket, but every time rolled max stats for a non ancient, I thought you were supposed to get max ancient stats? IE Primal

Yes. Using them on ancient very often turns the item Normal instead.

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That’s cool, but what’s actually happening in-game does not match what the blog says should happen, i.e. the resulting angelic item should have perfect ANCIENT level stats. So, how do you explain the difference between these items…

Both weapons have had a crucible used on them.
The weapon on the left has 1000 STR, i.e. ancient level stats.
The weapon on the right has 750 STR, i.e. non-ancient level stats.

I upgraded around 50 Remorseless weapons.
The one in the screenshot was the only one that did not result in non-ancient level stats.

It has, quite correctly, been reported in the PTR Bug Report forum…


As I said earlier in the thread:

So your long post to try to clarify the problem wasn’t needed, as I actually understand the issue already before you posted. I also understand how the mechanic works. I was educated that there was an issue from what it sounded like and agreed. Which I thought was obvious.

I expected better of you Meteor… lol

Game on.

I noticed that as well. I thought that I would sanctify a weapon for that GG damage and sweet stats, rolling off one for whatever is needed, most likely CDR.

I chose one of the Bul’Kathos weapons and the first roll was a 2200 damage weapon. HUH? That’s the lowest ancient damage possible. Matter of fact I have seen non-ancients with more damage than that w/out +% damage or +% attack speed.

I used another one and it gave me a 2400. Hmmm. Okay a slight increase. Good thing in PTR I get a stack of 21 out of the 50 bloodshards. I used them all and the best I got was a 2500 weapon with some crappy stats and the wrong sanctity power. I went back later and spent over a hundred dust and finally got a 2700 weapon, but with the wrong sanctify ability. I got the HotA one on a WW weapon. SIGH!

Worst of all, I got the HoTA ability the most, then the Berserker ability, and the WW ability the least… ON A WW WEAPON. Then I tried the dust on an armor piece and had to go through another stack of 100 before I got the WW ability. Of course, same thing, a bunch of HoTA and Berserker and finally WW on the 100th dust. I rerolled my boots.

So, I went to the cube and rerolled it a bunch of times to get an ancient Bul’Kathos and bam, 2700 with okay stats, but at least the damage was there, and I rerolled CDR on it and gifted it for a socket. I went back and did the same thing, got another 2700 with okay stats. I rerolled to get 2800 haha.

Good enough to test out that sweet AWESOME WW pull for the Barb. I will have fun with it in Season 27. I want to try and make a zBarb version too. :slight_smile: I’m geeked.

So, unless I have a ton of angel dust in season 27 for constant rerolls, I will save them for one of the last items on my character that isn’t and ancient or primal. In season 26, on my Barb, it was the Berserker bracers, WW gloves, and the Flavor ammy. Out of those 3, I would have chosen to sanctify the bracers. easier to get the stats I want and I liked the rolls enough on the other two.

Hopefully the drop rate won’t be too bad so the constant rerolls won’t be as much of a pain, especially since we can’t keep the items after the season ends.

Probably anecdotal, but I noticed this, too. On different weapons, with different abilities.

Thats not quite how average percent chance works…

While yes it does appear to be a bug, you have a lack of data to say its 5%

That was very early in the testing. I have used thousands of them by now and the bad rate stands.

Used only a few so far, want to play a bit more, however armor items such as head didn’t roll ancient level stats either.

I would never sanctify a primal item. You get to keep primals, but you lose sanctified items, and if its already primal, all you get is the effect, no bonus stats, so just sanctify a different piece so you have the effect and basically two primals.

The problem is, it takes several attempts at sanctifying to get the effect and stats you want, and the drop rate of the crucibles is too damn low to be trying that nonsense.

They need to fix that by either increasing he drop rate, or making sure the sanctified stats are meta and you will just have to take a crapshoot on the effect.

me either but its the test realm so anything goes!