S26 Proposal - Funerary Pick + Channeled Curses

4K Poster


Funerary Pick

Legendary Scythe - Requires Level 70
Curses can now be channeled. While channeled, every second, Curses deal 1% weapon damage to enemies within and increase the damage they take from your Curses by 75% at the cost of 15% Life.
[50-100]% (Necromancer Only)
Patience and time do more than force and rage


  • Same channeling animation as Town Portal
  • Bane of the Stricken for Curses (multiple targets)
  • The longer you channel, the harder you hit enemies
  • Equip as a tank, and channel until all enemies are dead
 1s            1%
 2s            2%
 3s            4%
 4s            8%
 5s           16%
 6s           32%
 7s           64%
 8s          128%
 9s          256%
10s          512%
11s        1 024%
12s        2 048%
13s        4 096%
14s        8 192%
15s       16 384%
16s       32 768%
17s       65 536%
18s      131 072%
19s      262 144%
20s      524 288%
21s    1 048 576%
22s    2 097 152%
23s    4 194 304%
24s    8 388 608%
25s   16 777 216%
26s   33 554 432%
27s   67 108 864%
28s  134 217 728%
29s  268 435 456%
30s  536 870 912%

I don’t think this will work, especially with the Frailty > Aura of Frailty rune since you never need to cast it, cannot cast it, and therefore, would be unable to channel it.

Aura of Frailty is indeed a special case.

The way how developers choose to handle it depends on a gameplay orientation.

At least 2 options:

A) Aura of Frailty cannot be channeled.
Funerary Pick does not apply.

B) Aura of Frailty can be channeled.
Equipped with Funerary Pick, Aura of Frailty Active Skill button is enabled.
Player has to bind Aura of Frailty on Right click or 1,2,3,4 keypad.

While I’d prefer option B) to enable the most compatibility, it is fine if developers prefer to cut development costs by doing nothing and stay on current status A)