4K Poster
Funerary Pick
Legendary Scythe - Requires Level 70
Curses can now be channeled. While channeled, every second, Curses deal 1% weapon damage to enemies within and increase the damage they take from your Curses by 75% at the cost of 15% Life.
[50-100]% (Necromancer Only)
Patience and time do more than force and rage
- Same channeling animation as Town Portal
- Bane of the Stricken for Curses (multiple targets)
- The longer you channel, the harder you hit enemies
- Equip as a tank, and channel until all enemies are dead
1s 1%
2s 2%
3s 4%
4s 8%
5s 16%
6s 32%
7s 64%
8s 128%
9s 256%
10s 512%
11s 1 024%
12s 2 048%
13s 4 096%
14s 8 192%
15s 16 384%
16s 32 768%
17s 65 536%
18s 131 072%
19s 262 144%
20s 524 288%
21s 1 048 576%
22s 2 097 152%
23s 4 194 304%
24s 8 388 608%
25s 16 777 216%
26s 33 554 432%
27s 67 108 864%
28s 134 217 728%
29s 268 435 456%
30s 536 870 912%