Season 26 Conquests - Avarice. The text is ‘50,000,000 gold streak while outside the inner sanctum and the vault’ . What does that mean? I have 850,000,000 but somehow do not meet the criteria for this conquest. There must be something I am not aware of?
If you look on the bottom of the screen when collecting gold, there’s a counter for how much gold you’ve picked up within a specific time frame. Similarly to how massacre bonuses work, it resets if you don’t pick up gold fast enough. You basically need to make sure you’ve collected 50 million gold without there ever being something like 4 seconds between gold pickups.
Using a Bovine Bardiche in the cube and having a maxed out Boon of the Hoarder on T16 is typically a quick way of accomplishing this conquest.
Excellent - that’s what I was missing - context of what a ‘streak’ is… Thank you
if you have a battle pet summion it the thing will run around gathering gold for you
If you do bounties 31 bounty bags is enough gold to get the streak, so just save up and open them all at once and then take a step and it’s completed. (unsummon pet beforehand)
No idea why you bumped this, but alternative way is getting into Not-the-Cow level with level 50 Boon of the Hoarder socketed somewhere and just start killing them. Give Goldskin to your Follower if you’re not sure and after a long killstreak you’ll have enough gold streak to collect 50m.
late edit: correction.
Can’t socket Boon in helm, it has to go into amulet or ring, Use Emerald in helm for more gold drop, otherwise all good =)
My bad. It was one of my ideas to let that gem socketed on helms, for a second I was thinking about that and typed it so. My mind was shifting between that idea and emerald on helm, I guess. I’ll edit that post now.
how do you get into that level?
There is no Cow Level…
Cube a Bovine Bardiche like a Puzzle ring and Trasmute.
Is it necessary to do all those extra things to get it reliably though? This time and last season that it was a conquest I just got it through regular rifting with the Goldskin & Avarice band with Hoarder, no Cow Level or Emerald in the helm. Or was I just lucky?
lvl50 boon of the hoarder and avarice band is totally enough. All you need is an open space t16 rift where you can keep killing without the timer running out.
Reminder on this 31 bags is for T16 bounties. If you do lower torments, you need more bags. Also, when you open the bags, make sure your pet is turned off otherwise it might collect all the gold before you can get that 31st bag out of the stash.
This is not problem in console versions, only PC/Mac. Took 35 bounty caches from stash and opened them. Disabling pet just in case is good idea no matter where you play.