S25 - When is it starting?

Perfect, friends notified, holidays booked, food and drinks on their way :wink:


Confirmed as December 10th…


Don’t forget the Fruit Wrinkles.

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Dec 10th should work out better for all. Isn’t so close to Christmas that your spending time on the game vs family or shopping. Also gives Blizzard before holiday break more time to tweak something if needed that was unexpected/missed. :wink:

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Really glad about that date. It is the day I go on leave so even more excitement for then. Getting home, opening a beer and grinding until the early hours of the next morning while knowing there is a few more weeks of relaxing sounds like a great way to start holidays.

Also that means quite likely that I will have an entire week of being able to just grind it all out before I go on vacation.

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