S25 Proposal - Season of Exalted Items (Violet items)

I won’t go any further into this with you.

But the point is, ideally, all I need to make my build sing is to have a weapon that can roll with the Hellcat Waistguard affix.

None of this, well if you put thousands of hrs in, then you get your build! That’s not fun. It’s why I don’t play D2.

If you like playing gimped builds for most of your play time. Cool! That’s great for you! But me, I’m not going to waste an entire season trying to put a build together that may never be complete. THAT’S NOT FUN!!!

Actually what I was talking about is the guy I replied to suggestion:

Which would massively favor Necro as the set gives a 10 000% bonus on every skill by picking Bone Armor which is easy enough to include with any of the other sets/builds.

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Sorry. Didn’t mean to put words in your mouth. My apologies.

No worries, just clarifying.

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I get your point of view.

You prefer to manage a deck of legendary powers that, once collected, can ke kept forever, then picked at will to form your attack combination.

Just like a card game (Hearthstone for example).

The Kanai cube currenty handles that role, for maximum 3 items.

The mechanic you describe would require Kanai cube with 13 slots.

I’m not saying this is impossible, but if you do that, you completely destroy the RNG and replayability mechanics of the game.

Diablo 3 is based on loot and RNG.
This is the very core, the very essence of Diablo.

Which means, to defy the odds, you have to play, play and play.
Then you are rewarded by items.

When an Exalted items loots, it is unique to you.
No other player will have the same Exalted that you got.

Wrong philosophy.
You shouldn’t force a build into Exalted items.
You rather should adapt you playstyle to the Exalted items you loot.

Let the Exalted items guide you, and accept to discover new ways to play.

So how is that any different than what we have now with designed sets?

“Let RNG determine your fun.” Really? Play a build that’s not fun because that’s the items you get is your whole season idea?

Yep! Your idea is bad.

If you have your own playstyle and want to share, why not write a post with your new items proposal, then submit it to the community ?

I have!

The idea is to let class items that don’t have legendary affixes roll with affixes of class items.

Like a Balefire Caster that could roll with Hellcat, or Elusive Ring, or Wraps of Clarity. That sort of thing.

No different categories of items needed. No stupid absurdly long item hunt that might not get you what you want. And no dumb playing a build you don’t want to play because the game said so.


Additionally, they could let class items that don’t effect skills or do but in a general way like “Your primaries do such and such” be cross class applicable by rolling on items that don’t have affixes. Example: The Witch Doctor mojo that adds pick up radius affix could roll on a Balefire Caster. Or the Monk bracers that affect primaries. Or the DH’s Hunter’s Wrath could roll on a crafted Mighty Weapon. That sort of thing.

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This is a horribad idea, wth m8?

I updated the main post with:

Examples of 6 Exalted items

What do you think of these examples ?

Let me ask, because I think you’re getting closer, how does Smart Loot effect the items?

Like, are we opening up all affixes in the game to this? I mean, it doesn’t necessarily have to be cross-class applicable but it could be. But more specifically are you talking about items that are already in the game becoming Exalted Items?

What I’m asking is like there going to be Cindercoat, Ancient Cindercoat, and Exalted Cindercoat? Where the exalted Cindercoat will come with an affix that reduces resource cost in the main stat block and then come with a legendary affix of another item and a passive to boot?

Or a Stormshield that comes with increased block chance like the item as it stands but might also come with Justice Lantern’s affix (edit: and if it does it increases the block chance in the main stat block but also gives Your defense increases by 50% of your block chance) and a passive?

And again, how often are these items going to drop?

It is important to dissociate the { name + icon } from the statistics.

To explain the concept behind Exalted items:
Imagine that any item currently implemented in the game (white, blue, yellow, orange, green), at the moment of the loot, can be converted into an Exalted item, erasing all its attributes (legendary power, set powers, etc), and giving it new ones.

Exalted have random properties, but will roll for sure:

  • A power among a finite list ( See https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/d3/t/s25-season-of-exalted-items-violet-items/47126/40 )
  • A class active skills damage increase
  • A damage reduction
  • A class legendary power
  • A class passive skill

All other properties are random.

Base affixes stay unchanged: a shield does not provide weapon damage but provides armor. A shield can still increase your damage through random properties.

Because all properties are random, it is impossible to know in advance what properties an Exalted item can roll. It is impossible to create build guides. Exalted builds are by nature random.

So if you find an Exalted Cindercoat, its properties would have nothing in common with the Legendary Cindercoat. They will only share their base name and icon.

If you find a legendary helm with a Fire effect on the 3D model, the same helm in its Exalted version will be dyed in violet, and will have a violet Fire effect on the 3D model.

Like Ethereals, Exalted items support prefixes, such:

  • Regular (no prefix displayed)
  • Ancient
  • Primal

Like Ethereals, the rarity of Exalted items is between Ancient and Primal, but do not require your character to be level 70 to drop.

Then nope. Your idea still sucks. lol

You don’t like RNG ?

I don’t like RNG telling me what build to play. I like RNG just fine but I’m not going to play a game where the build I want to play may never come to fruition. That’s masochism! That’s wasting one’s time and that’s not fun.

Playing the same build, over and over, month after month, year after year, might be the real masochism.

if you are worried about the loot rate, in S24 @ Parangon 500 I had more than 30 Ethereals.

But I do do concede that kind of gameplay is different from the current ones.

Playing a build you like to play isn’t masochism. That’s a past time.

You want more builds. Cool ask for a build you’d like to play. But don’t force players to play something they don’t like just because “that’s the items you got, tough luck”

This is the thing, they won’t be forced.

They can still use LoN / LoD / Sets if they prefer this way.

The proposal is an addition, meaning an option.

If you don’t like it, it is fine.
You can stick to the universe you already know and love.

But you’ve specifically designed these new items to be more powerful. So your solution is, “Play your favorite build but don’t ever ever ever compete with it, because you should really be playing what the game tells you to play.”

Yes, I know D3 is already like that with sets and the imbalance between them. But I will not play a game where some random item is tons better than another and then have to build a build with thirteen items all random might be BiS and the build you actually want to play may never come out of all your effort to put together.

This is exactly what you do by using pre-conceived builds.
You play what the game tells you to play.
You play what the developers tell you to play.
And it never evolves.

This stagnation exists because builds are created manually.
This proposal is about automating the build creation through RNG.
New builds, builds unique to you, will emerge from automation.
It is like an automated factory of builds.
Welcome to the industrial revolution.