S22 QoL list - add your own

Make the game harder so I can enjoy it more. Time to stop the power creep train and put it in reverse for a while. This would most definitely improve my QoL while playing this game.

bounties do not give GR keys.

and since speed farmers are soooo quick, there is no delay in waiting and you get both keys and caches.

As far as waiting for bosses…I think it depends on the boss and how many players…Solo I can easily take on any of the bosses at T16…add in 3 more players and I simply cannot take on Malthael solo… I expect many at my plvl are inthe same boat. We’ve completed our act and move on to act V finish what we can and wait for the others if the boss fight is Malthael and perhaps Diablo and maybe a couple of others…the Skel king is easy, as are Adria and Magda…but the bigger boss fights one may need help if the they are say < P1500 .

As far as kicking… Gotta go with the no as its too easily abused. You don’t like the public group you can leave and find another group…or join a clan and make a regular group. There are lots of ways to avoid undesirables.

There is nothing wrong with doors open or shoot your way through. Shrouded Moors too tough for you,cry me a river…its not supposed to be easy…you can always quit and restart to get a more suitable rift to your liking. (or reduce the difficulty level if its too hard)…Followers sharing gear…how long does it take to find duplicate gear for your follower.

Mats run out far quicker than keys unless you never reforge/craft/enchant anything, or you’re a botter in which case the upgrades are waiting for ya in the stash when you wake up in the morning.

There’s no comparison.

And yeah sure, go on leaving the game, and constantly wasting your own time restarting an act over and over again. Might as well go solo - while the whole point of this exercise is to improve pub group play when friends are simply not available for speed-bountying.

Maybe if you spent more time playing the game and less time spamming threads in the forum, you’d be more upto speed on this matters.

I spend plenty of time as a casual player, and I do not spam…I share my opinion. Most of the time I play solo. as I have few friends that play. Again I am a part of a clan and could join my clan mates (and have) for various activities and have on occasion joined clan mates.

After doing about 4 set of bounties and tend to be a little tired so I come here to wind down. Sorry if you think my 152+ hours is simply not enough.

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I’ll use the OP’s format and provide my inputs (normal text) after their ideas (bold text).

Don’t know if been said. Move the greater rifts keys in the tab up to top. Just annoying having to scroll down to see

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take 15 seconds at start of bounties to designate somone to do the boss bounties, and let everyone do the 4 others per act tag teaming the last few bounties left. easy. granted that doesn’t really work in a public game, but in private games it’s really effective

Agreed. In terms of frequency of use, they should definitely be right below the Souls. Noone crafts Hellfire crap anyway.

Seems a shame to waste a whole system of the game. Hellfires should be usable, or the reagents used for primals/ancient rerolling.

I use hellfire ring and amulet to PL my second seasonal character, along with the Gem of Ease, since you can equip them at lvl 1. So they are not completely useless. And if you happen to get a useful afix on the amulet, you can use it for quite a while until you get a good replacement.

  • Anything you don’t pick up in a normal rift or a goblin vault is mailed to you once the rift is closed…(gold, matts, gear, etc…EVERYTHING)

  • Forfeit option for Greater Rifts

  • Gems moved to materials tab

  • remove bloodshard cap

  • GR Guardian spawns on you or the person who pushed the progress from 99-100%

  • Remove greater rift keys, they’re unnecessary now

  • Legendary gems are put in their own tab and are interchangeable across all characters without having to remove them, store them so that another character can use it.

  • upgrading legendary gems faster, meaning the button you push that shows the percentage chance that the gem will upgrade…just make it instant instead of having to wait to see if it passed or failed (they did this once on a ptr and it was an amazing QoL change)

  • Better GR maps

  • new rift guardians

  • remove progress orbs from all rifts just give us the progress instead of having to pick up those orbs

  • ability to gamble @kadala for any class from any character.

  • armory holds your gear instead of snap shotting it

  • uber realms close after 30sec of killing bosses

  • inspect player option brought back…why did they take this out

  • ability to re roll legendary affix ranges

  • remove gold find from paragon and replace with something usefull

  • remove urshi from failed gr’s

  • allow dye’s on weapons and offhands

  • all legendary jewelry come with a socket

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You can still inspect, it just takes a couple of steps.

100% agree with that one.

I also want auto-pickup option on all loot to be available. I pick up everything.

Oh, I forgot one: Would be nice to be able to pick a GR range in public games, and for those ranges to have minimum requirements on paragon or previously completed solo GR level or some such.


In the grand scheme of things, my wish list is not too important but it would be really nice to see changed or implemented:

My toons to have separate Banners; I like to coordinate banners with my outfits :grinning:

Pets to pick up materials, or I can select through the Options mode what I can automatically pick up running through them.

Instead of salvaging all items in my inventory, I can choose/click on multiple items I want to salvage. I feel bad when I am always the last one to get ready for the next Greater Rift run because it takes me so long to salvage the items I don’t want; I have to click twice for each item to salvage them :slightly_frowning_face:

Bounties where there is that blue timer that appears on top of my head needs to go faster; it used to be much faster than it is but it got changed to a much slower pace patches ago, I have no idea why…

Those are it for now, I probably have more but I can’t think of them off the top of my head.

click>enter key,click>enter key,click>enter key… No need to click twice. Keep finger hovering over enter key.


Any player begging for a power level 3 minutes after the season starts gets banned for the rest of the season.

It doesn’t affect my game in any way but it is rather disappointing that some players just refuse to at least try to put in the bare minimal effort of playing the game.


Yes I would also like this. I enjoy having the banner fit in with a theme to some extent, tattered and torn dilapidated death themed banner for Necro doesn’t exactly fit with your secondary nice guy Crusader. It is a tiny thing but would be nice.

Also would love the salvage all legendaries option. Include the are you sure option as it is now. But later on when you do a few GR’s in a row before salvaging for efficiency purposes you have multiple inventories full to salvage so it would be nice. But doesn’t irritate me that much, just like most quality of life things.

Just a small note, shrouded moor greater rift is quite nice, short open and easy to pull mobs. It’s the normal rift that sucks. Either increase density, greatly shorten the map or remove it from the pool.

All great and needed. KUDOS. The only one I disagree with is the potential for only one person to do a removal. I agree it needs reworking, but perhaps in a way it cannot be abused, if that is possible.

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Blockquote Any player begging for a power level 3 minutes after the season starts gets banned for the rest of the season.

Yeah no. I don’t like this suggestion. You’re free to ignore the persons and never play with them again. Also, i personally powerlevel many many players throughout a season. I have no issue with people asking for boosts.

In the first 3 minutes??? No. If they are that lazy they need to find a new hobby.

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