S22 are conquests possible for solo?

For Years or War, rebirth a 2nd char, don’t need to level up.
Use the cube to farm a set that can be worn by the main char.
Give the set to main char to do GR55.
After the conquest, delete the 2nd char.
Recreate 2nd char as non-seasonal.
Claim the items from the mail.
Re-level up to 70.

This is what I did earlier.

Lv 1 monk got 5 Sunwuko pieces using the cube. Each pc took 1-15 gambles. DH (main char) took 7:30 to complete GR55. Recreate monk as non-seasonal and re-level up to 70 took 20 minutes.

The whole process took less than 1 hour.

(oops, I used a wrong gem.)


It seems trivial now because of power creep. And while it was never difficult, it was never increased after season 6 despite the game getting 30-50 GR levels of power creep.

Season 3 it was 6 gems to 40. Season 4 it was 5 gems to 50. Season 6 it was 3 gems to 65. It’s never been updated since season 6. It still wasn’t super hard in season 6, but it took a little more time and effort than it does now. We clear a lot higher GRs now than we did then. Or the same tier of GR faster, if you want to look at it that way.

There’s a few things that should have been updated when power creep, T13, and T16 were introduced, but never have. Look at all the conquests that only require T10. Most of those were first added when T6 was the max difficulty, then upped to T10 when T10 was added, but were never updated again after T13 and T16 were added.


Well, speaking as true solo player who really hates seasons… I’m happy that they never updated them. Power creep, yes, but nevertheless… those conquests are a gate for extra stash (Conqueror), so I actually think it’s fine as-is. Why make it harder for new players to get extra stash… season áre already a hassle for those who don’t like them.

By the way, there are several issue one can take with the conquests and the seasonal journey as a whole. This cubist crap for example. As a true solo player the “extract 40 powers” is a drag, From my perspective this task could also be “please waste 30 units of all act mats and 150 Death Breath”… it’s just tediously stupid. Why is this even required?! It’s usually the dead last thing I do, because in most cases I only extract the select few powers I actually use. So depending on whether I play both HC and SC it boils down to about 10-15. Afterwards I just throw random crap in the cube since I have unlocked almost everything non seasonal. And in seasons without double caches I will not waste my time doing more bounties than I actually have to.


S22 are conquests possible for solo?

For some players, yes.
Most get carried, i dare to claim.

Just finished Guardian, all chapters done solo. My 3 conquest:

  • Years of War (5 necro, 1 wd)
  • Boss Mode (necro Inarius siphon & blood nova and steuarts greaves) solo in 18 minutes
  • On A Good Day
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O yeah good point. I didn’t think about it not being updated. I remember something like 2014-2015 or thereabout people were doing like level 50 something GR’s

It is an entirely useless one yes. I guess if you play a bunch of classes it will happen without cubing random stuff. I guess it is a way of showing you did bounties and stuff? I don’t know, you can probably do them just with challenge rift caches. But it does end up in you getting to a point of just cubing any pointless thing you get from a rift.

I’m doing the 65 gem one, the master 8 dungeons, and the 6 sets past GR 55 one. I didn’t want to do the speed ones, possibly fail, and have to make multiple attempts. The gem one is done through natural play. Then just save extra sets for the other 2. Level up a Gem of Ease to get your 2nd character to 70 super fast. Then, when you’re done, you can use the Gem of Ease for an augment and not really lose anything. For those that really hate dungeon mastery, Boss Mode isn’t too bad, because it’s not as big a time investment as Sprinter and you need a speed set anyway. I’m actually wondering if that might’ve been a better choice than the mastery one, although the masteries have been all super easy so far (I’ve done 4)

Well… I have not finished Guardian yet but that’s only a matter of me doing some GRs to level gems now. So far I did

Boss Mode
I used a LoD Channel Twister wizard, did it with 2-3 minutes left, first try ever, btw. and very sub-par gear, my only legendary gem at that time was LoD rank 70 and I only had 4 or 5 ancients. lol… requires Aetherwalker and you just have to ignore literally everything.

Years of War
Again, all with that very same LoD Twister wizard… obviously without the LoD buff, but yes, with all wizard sets. That conquest sucks and I could not be bothered to even reskill or actually try playing with the wizard sets. They suck anyways and are npt even necessary when you have all other items, like Squirts, you have more than enough power to knock down GR55 first try. Last one was Masquerade on my Necro.

On a Good Day
comes now, when I feel like doing the gem leveling. Will do that with my Necro or maybe with a HC char. Just did Euro challange rift 179 - lol, old Etched Sigil :smiley:

If you do 0 bounties, it takes 3 weeks of challenge rifts to get enough mats. But because of how the season starts on a Friday and challenge rifts reset on Mondays, it ends up being as little as 10 days of time for three challenge rifts from season start (opening Friday, reset on that Monday, then the reset the following Monday).

But if you do even one set of bounties, you can do it in three days.

Season starts on Friday, you get 15 challenge rift mats then. Challenge rift resets on Monday, you get another 15 then. You just need 10 more (or 15 if you count the reforge seasonal objective), so you just need to do one set of bounties (T10+ for cubing only, T13+ if you include the reforge) and you can have it done by the Monday evening after opening weekend.


Spot on, I feel EXACTLY the same way (solo player here too). Group players have it so damn easy, Blizzard has bent over backwards to give them extra rewards and screw solo players over at every single opportunity.

The set dungeons are a joke. The game in under an hour is pretty much impossible solo, especially on console where we get like 5 minutes of unavoidable cut scenes animations that we can’t quit out of.

D3 was never a top game, it was a 2nd rate game, marketed as a top game. No, it’s not even a 2nd rate game, it’s just not good enough.


You have to do that anyways, unless you don’t care about the seasonal journey at all. But well, that should be it, proves you did some bounties. Even extract 20 powers would be okay. But not the exact same crap, only bigger figures. That’s pointlessly forcing you to extract powers just to increase the number of conditions for Guardian and there’s actually nothing else left. Sounds abot right.

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It is possible.
Just got my Guardian yesterday 100% solo in HC with a Necro mainly.
Probably could do it before but I wasn’t in a rush cause Guardian gave me nothing I care about or don’t already own.

I did the 3xlvl 65 Gems, 6 sets and the 20 mins Boss run.

For the 20 mins run I used my LoD Speed Mage build with as much as speed and CDR as possible.
Did it for the first try on T10, also make sure Queen Aranea and Urzael or Adria is a bounty cause you get the arrow to follow if its a bounty and those are the hardest to find.

For the 6 Set one I used only 2 different builds on my Necro and it was really easy.
Inarius+Pestilence+Masq with my Bone Spear build and Rathma+Trang with the same summon build.
For the 6th set I leveled up a WD in ~20 mins with Gem of Ease and the Spirit Barrage legendaries+exp stuff like Cains and Hellfire ring.
Gambled out most of the Mundu set with shards and some rare upgrades.

I have around 35 hours so far in S22.

I thought “solo conquest” means you did/do with only one class.
I definitely play with only one class - necro.
I did 3xGR65.
Yesterday I played “bossmode” for the first time and I did it in a 4man-group. I built speedrun-necro and yet I only ran to two bosses… because that Wiz (p700) and Crusader (p900) were stupidly fast. I was more busy with teleporting than running.
I will do 6 sets. I already did all 5 necro-sets and I am looking for 3 MotE-items.

I thought boss mode was hard until I try it. It may takes a few try though. I made the mistake to do the new Necro area boss (that isn’t required & take a long time as he is always 2nd level)

In group it is super easy. Use portal trick.
Each member go look for different boss, easiest is split by act. Once someone found a boss & a dialog pop,
A) use town portal to get back into town.
B) click on the dialog box to enter boss fight together.
C) Use map to return to town after defeat boss. Do not use teleport button!!! Otherwise you will re-enter boss area you just fought.
D) Enter the portal & you should be at where you left off & continue hunt for bosses.

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You can also do boss mode with one guy just running and one guy doing all the boss fights alone. Takes two runs of course but is more reliable.

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Yes, can be done solo.
Did 3 solo myself.

Level 3 gems to 65.
Bossmode, easy with any speed build.
Gr 55 with 6 sets. (Do 5 from main char, do 1 from from a second char of different class). Use shards at kadala, convert rares to legendary, convert set item at cube. Gears up 2nd char fast and sufficiently for gr55. Use your main to level up some gems for 2nd char to use.

I forgot to equip a skill to benefit from the 6piece damage boost, still got the gr55… lol… powercreep ftw…

Doing the level 3 gems on hardcore should be easy as well. Perhaps not fast though.

same here. boss mode can be quite hard, cos not every build is capable of doing it successfully. I use a near stock s6 impale build, but add in hot pursuit and tactical advantage, since the clear is done on t10 and the build has so much dmg that it can drop dmg passives for the speed buffs. I don’t even bother with adding in speed buff gear.

pro tip - with boss mode, start with act v first and work your way backwards. Do Urzael and Adria first. If you get crappy runs, restart the conquest. Arachne can be a pain, so can the butcher.

On console, we have around 2 minutes added to our clear time because of animations that are NOT skippable. Which is very frustrating. Still, I have averaged the boss mode clear at around 17.5 minutes the past 3 seasons and that’s with the unskippable animations.

If it helps, it’s a big multipart square of tiles, and the long horizontal path towards the boss (well, first the long horizontal path goes to another tile which then has the vertical path to the boss door) can only be on one of side each of the four parts of the big multipart square. So there’s 4 places you need to check on this map.

You always enter on the north or south of one of the 4 tiles of the square. The long horizontal path towards the boss is always on one of the outer east/west edges of these 4 tiles.

Like this:

         |     |

The enter tile can also be north of D or south of B or C. You need to orient yourself and then check 1/2/3/4 for the longer path that curves up and back down to another tile which always has the path to the boss on the north.

Pokeytoe’s map guide for Sprinter/Speed Racer/Any% speedruns might also be helpful: Diablo 3 - Map Guide - Google Docs

They have some nice screenshots which might be easier to interpret than my crude drawing haha :stuck_out_tongue:

I definitely don’t envy this aspect of console.


It’s not that people don’t know how Areaneas’ lair is laid out (we do), it’s not knowing which one to take (if she isn’t the bounty with the arrow pointing the way) that leads to the delay. Just like with Adria and Urzael and the Butcher if you pick the wrong one you have to backtrack and lose time.

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This season is the first time I did Boss Mode.
I used DH GoD/CC/Yang build. Ran really fast non-stop. Not good luck, some wrong turns but still managed to complete in the first trial, with 1-2 minutes spared.