S21 Ending Soon

S21 can’t really end soon enough for me.

Hopefully, they announce that it will end soon^2 thus ending it on 31th and starting the season on the 9th xD

It can’t be 31th because it needs at least 2 weeks advanced notice for the players. It was a promise from Blizzard. Counting from today, the earliest end date is Nov 8.
(And Oct 31 is not Sunday.)

Nov 9 isn’t Friday. Seasons start at Friday so that (most) players can start playing season on week end. It was a request from many players, and Blizzard sticked to it for many seasons already.

Also, developer had said they need more time for the preparation of deployment and season. Nov 20 is a more reasonable start date for S22.

Well, this was no assumption or estimation, it was more like a personal wishlist as indicated by


I still somewhat hope for the 13th instead of the 20th

I know, I just explained how we derived those dates. Hoping other readers understand the reasons behind. Nothing personal. :slight_smile:

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There is always a 2 week break at end of season. Soooooooooooo if season 21 ends on the 8th then the 20th is the absolute earliest that season 22 will start.

perfect . 2 weeks diablo 3 then new league poe.

NO, It is on your launcher, not mine.

It is NOT on the America’s Launcher, right now!

Again, it depends what language you have the Battlenet launcher set to…
Change it to Portuguese.

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2nd S21 ban wave incoming xD

Season 21 started June 22, and season 22 will most likely start November 20th.
That’s like 5 months, kinda sad state of affairs.
But then the game has been that way for years now, swimming
in mediocrity.


ill be sad if by nov 9th we dont have the new season Live. Too much time already…

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Troll, I am in America’s and why would I switch to a language I don’t understand?
Very strange thoughts coming from another gamer on this forum.

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It also showed up in English (US).
Are you saying that’s a language you don’t understand?

Yes, how strange that I’d explain exactly the steps you could take to confirm for yourself that what I was saying is true.


It does not show on my launcher.
Here’s my SS.

By clicking on it, I am taken to the web page announcing S21 is Live.

You are a Troll.

Leave my posts alone!

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Common on, man. Meteorblade told you to switch to Portuguese. You keep using English. Don’t you realize the screen was taken in Portuguese?


Haha, pretty good @Maskraider.

Thumbs up for a pretty good funny post!

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I have listed the steps you could take that would allow you to confirm whether what I’ve said was true or not. Earlier in the thread there are links to official Blizzard tweets about the same thing. So, if you don’t consider Blizzard’s own launcher, Blizzard’s own Twitter account and PezRadar talking about it as authoritative sources, I don’t know what would convince you.

Stay in denial if you like, but that’s on you, not me.


Stop arguing with him. He didn’t read the posts at all. Don’t waste time on him.


The launcher shows this in Portuguese…

Termina em 8 de Novembro

“termina” sounds a lot like “terminal”, i.e. the end of something
8 means 8
“Novembro” sounds a lot like “November”

Are you really claiming that because you’re in America you can’t work out this might mean “Ends 8th November”?

