S21 Double seasonal bounty caches

It could be a seasonal tradition. When the season is half over it gets either double goblins or double bounty mats. Back and forth and so on. It won’t matter if people like for hate the seasonal theme, it could generate more players and/or keep the ones that are already there.

Those that start late in the season, for any number of reasons, would get a nice little surprise as well. Then Blizz won’t feel the need to use either as a band aid for a season that wasn’t very popular with the player base.


I actually had someone on the EU forums a couple of days ago tell me that they literally didn’t care that players were affected like that, so Blizzard shouldn’t waste time catering to them. Their posts aren’t there any more…


This is because you have the people who literally don’t care about anything but themselves…and when it happens to them or their family, they cry,pray, and point fingers. Come to think of it, sounds a lot like what’s going on in the US with the pandemic :thinking:


I absolutely agree.

I returned to the game after few years. Not only all my GG gear is now obsolete because some apple genius decided to slap % damage boost on said items without affecting existing items (and y’all know what a pain is just yangs recurve cuz of the disc), we talking about every class that I play been affected by this.

But now that genius decides to dangle a carrot for me to join seasons.

I have no problem with people playing seasons, to each his own. But from my point of view, to quote, Vaas, this is insanity. Starting from scratch, grinding same gear over and over again.

Nobody likes forced content. Non seasonal players paid for game just like seasonal dudes did. Y’all already get ur cosmetics reward, it’s fine. But stash tabs and double bounties is gameplay related stuff and it is unfair, whichever way you twist it.

Moreover, NS dudes have more chars, more sets and items overall, that could really use reforging.

I dunno what happened to community neither. I got blasted in game chat and on reddit for expressing my frustration with this. Like it or not, we are on the same boat, seasons or non seasons. We supposed to stand up for each other. But replies I was getting made me feel like it’s GTA Online community I’m dealing with. Just disgusting.

I know for certain this crap would not fly years ago. Players would voice their opinion and quickly call out devs on their bs. Honestly, I’m just mad how cheap and dirty is their tactic of bringing new players into seasons. Instead of coming up with something creative, here let’s just slap double reward.

Guys who play seasons - you don’t do this for double rewards as far as I understand. You started playing seasons for whatever reason you had. Now devs are forcing players that clearly have no interest in seasons to start one just to get the benefit of double reward. Absolutely disgusting.

So you fight toxic with toxic, eh?

Stop it before I link a Britney video…

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Well at least someone recognizes that there are players who don’t play seasons. Thanks for the support, try to get this message to whoever is in charge, we would appreciate some love too.

That feedback has been given and they are aware. I am not sure exactly what drives the decisions to make the 2nd bonus buff season only, but they do know non season folks would like the general buffs like this too.

If they released Season engagement metrics then I could sort of see incentivizing Season play. They don’t though. The metrics used in public meetings are overall game engagement metrics which includes both gameplay modes. :woman_shrugging:

There could be some other reason for it that I am not aware of though. Technical reasons even? No idea.

I am still pleased that the bonus buffs were done at all so will take the half full glass vs the empty one.

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Well, Season 15 was the one with double bounty caches as the theme. However, the double bounties buff was applied to both seasonal and non-seasonal heroes for the duration of the season. So, it’s possible. The issue is whether they want to, not whether they can.


yeah nothing like the room is lit up then goes to black and one shot by a bull

I’m pretty much the poster grouch for not putting things in seasons that you don’t get in non season. This time I get it. Radical mistakes call for radical solutions. Also as bad as the season theme is it’s not intolerable. It’s like a drama llama hyperbole convention on the forums. Double bounties gives me an illusion of a reason to grind them and I still haven’t gotten the stupid pet.

The headaches it was causing me beg to differ.

Your mileage may vary.

I went back to season for the bounties and I have noticed a massive change in how the season theme affects my eyes. Before, I would get migraines and dizzy and have to lie down. That hasn’t happened yet in the few hours I’ve played in season for these bounties.

I wouldn’t be touching my season char if they had done this non-season. It isn’t because of the season theme either, though that is very very annoying. It is because my non season char has WAY more paragon and better gear, so I can farm those bounties WAY faster, which means more time saved when you count how much you will do bounties over the next month and a half.

When is the last time non season got anything awesome? I honestly can’t remember. I recall a double goblin weekend once long ago…

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Indeed. During Season 15, I finished Guardian, then immediately went back to my non-seasonal WW Barb and spent months doing pretty much nothing except bounties. The materials I earned from that lasted me almost a year.

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And yet I provide irrefutable proof of the irrelevant minority aka you lot.

Case closed either way.


Rich coming from one who’s post history consists of weak troll bait.

Mrs Pot, meet Mr Kettle.

Claims without evidence are not proof.

For example, if I claimed to have a unicorn ranch, run by leprechauns, at the bottom of my garden, is that true until and unless you can disprove it?


Took you 3 days and a deleted post just to come back with this, ouch.

In the nicest way possible, I stand by my words, it would be most beneficial for everyone involved if you would just play something else because it’s clear as daylight you don’t enjoy this game and it only makes you bitter.

My dislike of it being season only is because it seems like a doubling down on the idea of this being the season of group play.

Bounties have always been heavily skewed efficiency wise to groups. It feels like a doubling down on the “intended” season mechanic that allows groups to be godlike in comparison to solo players.

Of course a terse comment from a blue that different seasons have different metas when soloists complained didn’t help. The tone came off as horribly dismissive to me and the message certainly seemed antithetical to that a few months earlier that solo play was valued.


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