S21 Conquests on Console

Hi there, here we are at it, again, after the two easy conquests, Avarice and The Thrill, now comes the headache of the third conquest: Curses is impossible on Switch due to spawning rate of mob’s, then campaign in 1h is also impossible solo because of animations and transition times… Only one remains possible : the Speed Demon, that I have never done… Any good advice on this one for console players ? I am playing WD this season, but I can make an alt class.

I levelled a HC character for the eazy peazy GR45/No set items conquest.

LoD has made this one considerably trivial. :grin:

Less of a grind than the 50m gold steak too, considering you need a level 50’ish BotH, and be able to comfortably farm T10 at least.

More fun than restarting a game constantly to find it, and in the case of consoles, makes it impossible without a group (or so I’ve read on here).


“then campaign in 1h is also impossible solo because of animations and transition times”

I beg to differ…there are ways to skip the animations, talking etc.


Speed Racer is possible with WD, due to chicken speed. But you need practice before and all places to go without a break. So if you can do it 1st try, maybe.

Speed Demon is also possible with WD, but a little tryhard variation.

Speed Demon is much easier with Necro or Wizard. If you have a gem of ease you could level one up pretty fast.

The hardest one is GR45 with a HC char, as you have no Haedrigs, no mats to start with. But you could easily select which char you prefer.

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Unlike last season you don’t have to do that cursed question. Literally any character with all ancient dog doo doo and a level idk say 60+ LoD makes the 45 clear dumb easy.

2 min rift is dumb easy with a GoD DH and someone else in there and one other outside the rift to close it immediately.

Avarice is 35 bounties dropped at once no pet and then quick pick up


Small correction: Curses and Sprinter are possible to do solo on Switch (not with all classes though). If you want to make an alt anyway, I would recommend demon hunter as it can do both Curses and Speed Demon easily with the right build. Sprinter would also be possible but that requires a LOT of practice.

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Look for a gr that is just one level and lots of elites. Easy to finish that one in less than 2 minutes.

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Soloed The Thrill, Avarice, and Speed Demon with a WoL Monk — and then did ‘em again in HC. Of course, the Super Human HC “WoL Monk” was a mere bronze shadow of himself.

Did Avarice using the “Bounty Chest” method, so went for the “Running around” method in HC with the Avarice band, pet, and Hoarder gem in a Bovine Bardiche “not the cow level”. Probably put way too much prep time in, cuz I was done half way thru the Level.

Speed Demon was a pain until I figured out the Avarice Band picks up those golden disks, too. Then it was just a matter of rapidly cycling thru NRs to find an big open area with enough elites and pylons (Nemesis bracers).

Sitting on Season Challenges Leaderboard at 18 atm and eyeing Sprinter, but not holding my breath.

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The main thing with Sprinter, and a reason why I think a lot of people find it impossible, is that you have to focus on time limits and no go beyond them if you don’t reach them. Starlite’s Sprinter Guide is very useful for this.

I tend to use 16/29/40/46 for my times by the end of the act. Even if I’m a second late, just restart. Too many people run through the entire game, when it’s obvious 5 minutes into the run that they have no chance of breaking an hour. I’ve joined a ton of games where it’s “Well, what if I get lucky?”, or “I can make this up”. That might be true for the people who’ve run the conquest a lot, but chances are you won’t fall into that category.

When learning, you will be running Acts 1 & 2 a lot. And the great thing about the guide is that it’s not just the end of the act, it has key moments with time records. So, it’s not like you’ll be spending 10 hours to get in 6 play throughs. Rather, you’ll be running to the Skeleton King maybe 8x an hour. And that makes the practice far more palatable.

I’m not going to lie, the console is harder than the PC to accomplish this, but still very doable with a monk. I’ve run with several other people to teach them the conquest, and one thing I see is that the first time, they might spend 5-10 hours to get the conquest down. The second time they run this (as it’s a conquest almost every other season), it’s 2-3 hours to get it. By the 4th time they run the conquest, they tend to start one shotting it. While RNG might be applicable to other classes, it’s not really the case with the monk. Once you understand the campaign, failures can be contributed to stupid mistakes where you forget about an NPC you were suppose to talk with, and not bad map layouts.

Thanks for all the tips and comments… I leveled up an HC Crusader and did the GR45 without set item. It takes time, but it was fun :slight_smile:

Well, I’m not a superuber, nuanced-knowledgeable player, but I know how to copy someone else’s builds they work so hard to put together for me. Nod to Icey Veins, amongst others.

I had already found Paulius’ Starlite Sprinter Guide courtesy of Icey Veins, so was working on a simple 4:15 run to the Cathedral Entrance signifying the start of the Skell King quest. But thanks to BehindTimes’ suggestion supporting its validity.

I built an Icey Veins Raiment Shelong Generator Monk with suggested mods. 7 min to the Cathedral.

I built an Icey Veins DH UE MS with the same mods. 7 Min to Cathedral.

I built an Inna4/Raiment4 used 4 years ago by Catreina (on Reddit) .
7 min to Cathedral.

Since getting to the Cathedral in 4:15 is a target independent of Seasonal or non-Seasonal, I booted up my PC (actually Mac, but who cares?) Season 20 Monk built to easily complete the “Curses!” quest that I couldn’t come close to on the Switch. I shopped endless NR’s, GR’s and Bounties (before they threw in the double bounty chest thing ) to come up with the Inna4/Rai4 gear.

7 min to the Cathedral.

Obviously its mostly me, but I just had to see if I could improve on the result by using the PC, like I did with Curses!.

Reading this over, I am reminded of the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome. LOL.

Well, I’ve got the rest of the Season to keep trying. But I expected at least a slight improvement on the PC because there are dialogues on the Switch I have found no way to skip, but which can be bypassed on the PC.

Since you’re on the Switch, I’d suggest watching PokeyToe’s Switch Monk Run. (PokeyToe is the current speed record holder for every class, so it might be useful to browse their other videos). They also have an excellent guide for maps, though I can’t link to it.

A few notes.

The console isn’t the PC. You’re never going to go as fast as you can on the PC (there are a few shortcuts that are impossible on the console), but practicing on the PC is useful to learn the maps, because you won’t have to spend nearly as long.

As far as skipping dialogs.

If you see a dialog box, you can skip that completely with one button, rather than having to go through all of them. On the PS4, it’s the Square button. I’d assume it would be the Y button on the Switch (same location and all). On the PC, you can hit Esc (unfortunately, this is one of those things you can’t remap).

If you don’t see a dialog box, dash away to close it. It won’t be as fast as on the PC, but you can cut a few seconds per dialog off.

As far as gear, the above video links to the gear used during that run. With the monk, there are plenty of available builds. (Rechel’s + Avarice is a Nice To Have, but the only two gems you’ll really need are Wreath of Lightning + Gogok of Switftness).

Right away, you have several things which could be improved in your build. Mantra of Spirit + Circular Breathing for Spirit Regen. Use a topaz instead of Diamond. Use a Cindercoat for the chest. Use Fists of Thunder for the third Raiment piece over the helm. Pride’s Fall is excellent for the armor. Wear Kyoshiro’s instead. You can use a 2 hander if you’re still running out of spirit. You won’t go nearly as fast, but you won’t drain mana as fast either. Get a Daibo with Spirit Regen. All your rings + amulets should have RCR + CDR. Your shoulders + gloves should have at least RCR + CDR, preferably both. Attack speed will make you go faster, but will drain you of spirit faster. (The two one handers are good once you start getting closer to optimal gear. The Daibo is useful for quickly gearing in a season to get the conquest over with ASAP).

If you want some help practicing on the PC, just send a friend request. I personally use one of the slowest builds so that I have some control over where I’m going (you can check my profile), but it was good enough for a 49 min run this season carrying. Obviously it won’t be as fast on the console, but still fast enough that I can still completed both Speed Racer & Sprinter with it.

For the console, just run the Monk. While it is possible with other classes, it requires intimate knowledge of the campaign + some RNG with certain classes, whereas the monk can complete it regardless.

You can what!? I’ve… I… :woman_facepalming:

I didn’t know that. Can confirm that it works pressing Y on Switch. :sweat_smile: Thanks!