S19 start date Please?

60 bucks for a game that never satisfied promises, actually I could say they released it in Delta version, not even Beta. No pvp, no endgame, no random contents, a small world, small and no random at all maps, 2-3 sets per class, with the huge mistake of the auction house. Dude, i feel entitled even if i played 3k hours of shi#

It seems insane that a S19 start date has STILL not been released.

So many excuses but none of them justify this ridiculousness.

The blog post is coming today…

…but Nev’s working in Pacific Time, where it’s currently 6:33 AM, so it’s not likely to be published for a few hours yet.

She already confirmed days ago the start date isn’t the 15th. So, probably the 22nd at the earliest.

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Since she also posted that Fridays seems to be the best date due to player’s schedules it points to 11/22 being just about the ONLY possible date that is not a huge fail.
11/29 is the day after Thanksgiving and presumably not going to happen for that reason.
12/6 is 26 days AFTER the end of S18 (and the start of PoE 3.9 but not really relevant just saying) and taking that long is a MASSIVE FAIL. Why end S18 that early if you are going to end up doing this date or later.

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True, lets see what we get by end of business day today.
This is still not entirely what we wanted but lets hope they learn their lesson.

Today is the day we supposedly find out “come hell or high water” style!

I know we are all looking forward to it.

Early afternoon New York time I’m pretty sure we’ll all know!


Today, just like she said it would. :+1:


Well, to be fair, GGG needs to be that way because the game is Free to Play, if they don’t act in good faith, the revenue stream will decrease significantly.

Nice play on words. Real wordsmith!