?s on Legendary Gem mechanics

I’ve been playing for quite awhile, but I still don’t understand some of the LG mechanics. Here’s my questions. Any you can answer would be appreciated.

  1. Simplicity Strength - Primary Skill? does that mean what I have on my left mouse button or what’s listed in skills like Hungering Arrow (primary) versus Impale (secondary)?
  2. Mirinae - What is Smite if it’s not the Crusader skill giving 175% WD? Also, if it provides 6780% (rank 63 - mine) every 3 seconds that’s 2260% / second. Is that weapon damage or all damage? Why isn’t that better than just 44% on Taeguk (rank 60 mine) that has to stack up and gets lost often?
  3. Bane of the Powerful - Is the rank 25 damage additive to the primary buff?

Thanks in advance.

  1. Active skills are divided into 6 groups. Primary skills are just that: the ones grouped as primary. It has nothng to do with which button you use to activate them.

  2. The smite of Mirinae is different from the Smite skill of crusaders. Mirinae works with all classes. It is only proportional to your weapon damage, not total damage.

  3. I think it is a separate multiplier. It is, however, additive to other elite damage properties you may have.

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To add a bit to what TimberWolf said:

You can use the site D3planner - Maxroll.gg - Diablo 3 Resource Website Season 27 to see how different skills and bonuses interact.

For example, I imported your profile into D3planner and took some screenshots so you can see why Mirinae does not do that much damage.

Here is a link so you can see the exact same thing that I am using: D3planner - Maxroll.gg - Diablo 3 Resource Website Season 27

It sounds like you are considering why it is better to use taeguk than Mirinae, so I used your profile and compared what would happen if you swapped the gems.

With Taeguk, you average about 27B damage per hit and you get 2.73 hits/s . See the screenshot below for the calculations.

If you swap Taeguk for Mirinae, you lose the 48% bonus to your damage bringing it down to 18.7B.

What you gain from Mirinae is a measly 110M in damage and it only hits once every 3 secs + 15% chance per hit to get an additional smite.

So you lose 48% of your total DPS but gain an average of 155m or .008% more DPS.

The reason for this is because Mirinae does not benefit from the 490% dmg from Ninth Cirri, 200% from the Belt, 200% from the 2 piece bonus, the 15,000% from the 6 piece bonus. So a total of almost 800,000% multiplier is not applied to mirinae’s damage since it is not Hungering Arrow.

Since all of these damages are multiplied together, you can see why making a small change to one piece of gear can make a huge difference.

For example, if you had a Quiver that had 600% Hungering Arrow dmg on it instead of 490% you would go from 26.9B to 50.8B dmg per hit, or 88% more damage from just that one change.

As far as your other question. The 15% from Bane of the powerful is added to your total Elite damage, so it gets added to the 14% on your ring, and the 30% from Aughilds to give you a total of 59% Elite damage. The 20% is a multiplier, so all of your damage is 20% more after killing an elite pack.


Finally the fog clears. Thanks for the detailed explanation. Multiplicity is understood as a concept, but application is a different matter when I don’t have the specific mechanics.

Is there any site that has these details? I’ve tried using d3planner but they changed it since I was last there and I didn’t seem to be able to get stat graph changes working. I know there are instructions for this somewhere. I’ll have to go looking for their updates.

I’m going to go back and work on this more.

Again, thanks.

Did you take a look at the links and screenshots I provided in my post? I was using D3planner to get all of those numbers. The exact calculations are shown in the screenshots. I am not really sure what other information you are looking for.

Let me know if you need more clarification.

Yes, I did look at your links.

Unfortunately, I’ve been busy this last week and not had much chance to go deeper. I will. I’m still having trouble with d3planner.

I did remove Mirinae. Since I am a DH using GoD, I’ve done some experimenting at my current GR highest level, 92, with less than 800 Paragon. Usually I try to max Zei’s and shoot from a distance, but I found I kept hitting trash and was slow to clear the GR. So I went to Taeguk’s, Zei’s (for distance once I’d isolated a boss), and Boon of the Trapped (for mob fighting and hitting a boss in the middle). This boosted my GR about 3 levels.

Thanks again. I’ll use your suggestions and keep learning. First how to get d2planner to work for me.

What are you having trouble with?

I’m so sorry for the delay. I’m old and taking care of my 97 y/o mother full time. Her senility is contagious. I seem to be coming down with it, too. In fact, my avatar just about looks like me.

The D3planner problem I seem to have is getting the graphs to change. When I change gear, it changes the Damage graphs, but when I change skills there are no changes. Even when I exchange a purely defensive skill for a high DPS offensive skill, the stats and the graphs remain the same. AS such I can’t do any planning with it.

The YouTuber Wudijo has a video explaining all the different types of multipliers and how they work. I believe it came out roughly a year ago so you might have to scroll a bit to find it but I think it will answer the majority of your questions. Those that it doesn’t it looks like others have already answered. Cheers.

The damage graph and damage number on the sidebar is just your sheet damage. It does not take any skills into account.

You will want to look at the “Skills/Effects” Tab and then at the particular skill you are interested in. This will show you all the damage calculations, and how much damage that particular skill will do.