Rykker on Wolcen full release

I haven’t heard or have attempted to get on, ont until tomorrow. I have watch some reviews that have said that the campaign and side missions are amazing. I’m personally going to cruise and go through every nook and cranny.

Wolcen sux, the Alpha was really cool, but since beta, it just sucks zz

I still can’t connect to the game online, only offline…

Edit: now it’s working :slight_smile:

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I’m glad there’s an offline mode. rofl…


Cool! Wifey is going to run some errands in a bit. I might get in an hour or so.

After playing, it reminds you how old Diablo 3 is. The graphics and world are very modern with the CryTech engine. You can zoom into NPCs, look at them, and they are like fully modeled characters you would see in a first person shooter.

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Played for 10 minute and I enjoyed it every much. Can’t wait to play longer.

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