RoS and Necro. on account?

I just came back to play a bit of diablo 3 after not playing in several years.
I bought the game back in 2014, but now when I log in it says I own both RoS and Necro?
Whats going on?
My memory isnt what it use to be, but Im pretty sure I never bought those two packs?
Anyone know what the deal is?


Are you sure you didn’t buy the game as a pack at 2014 back then? That wouldn’t still explain the Necro pack but maybe it’s a promotion for buying Diablo 4?
I don’t think at any point Blizzard came forth and gave everyone free RoS and DLC for Diablo 3. Unless someone gifted those to you, I’d say a promotion package for Diablo 4 or WoW of sorts could have do it. Do you remember anything similar to that? Do you own D4?

I have been playing D4 for a couple of weeks, but thats through Game Pass, so I don’t really see how that could affect D3.
It’s been 2-3 years since I played WoW.
I do remember not buying D3 as a pack, because my plan was to buy RoS later, but just never did.
Its not that I’m complaining, I just don’t really feel comfortable playing something, that I dont really own.

Have you tried looking at your account? You can see a detailed history of ALL purchases across ALL Blizzard titles. Occam’s Razor would suggest your memory is simply fuzzy as it would be VERY bizarre for things you didn’t pay for to randomly show up for use.

Though, if you genuinely ARE worried, and also you legit don’t find anything on your account, you could always just email or call Blizz support directly. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to rescind your ill gotten gains and make you pay for it again.


Are you playing on a different Account than you’re posting on here?

I don’t see any Characters for this Account on the Americas or Asia Regions. You only have one Level 3 Crusader on the Europe Region, which you just played today.

You can check your purchases by logging in to the Battle․net Shop.

  • Mouse-over the Battle․net Balance button in the upper right corner.
  • Click on Balance History.

You should see a list of your purchases, if you purchased through the Battle․net Shop.

Or, when you’re on the Balance History page, on the left side, click on Games & Subscriptions. You should see a list of all the games you have registered with Blizzard. However, this list only shows last played dates and not purchase dates.

Yes, this is the account, and I dont know why its only showing that level 3 crusader, because thats just the one I made today as a test, because i have 5-6 other characters.
On my purchase history, besides my wow purchases, there is only one other and thats Diablo III, purchased october 1. 2014.
And I am playing on European servers…
When I start the game and go to collections, the only thing I can see that I dont own is the deluxe upgrade for RoS, the others just say ‘owned’.
I thought perhaps it had something to do with linking my xbox account with bnet, but I dont think thats the case.
I dont know, maybe I should just contact blizzard directly, because this just seems really weird.


Once you login to a game with the other characters, they should then show up on your Profile.
It is likely because they have been inactive for a long time.

edit: My guess is that you either won some kind of prize or they were gifted to you, and you forgot.

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So I tried switching to another character and that one did show up on the page, so its just been a long time since I logged in.
Another thing thats weird is that inside the game, on the collection page it says I own RoS and Necro, but if I go into the shop page on bnet and select Diablo III I cant press buy because I own it, but if I select either RoS or Necro I can buy it, since I dont own them.
So something is clearly wrong.
This is the first time I have played diablo 3 since 2019, its a fresh install on a completely different pc, but obviously the same account, an account ive had for 12-13 years now.
Maybe I should just enjoy RoS and Necro, but again, I dont want to get in trouble for having access to something that I dont own.

thx again

I get the same thing and I DO own all of it:

  • Diablo III
  • Reaper of Souls
  • Rise of the Necromancer
  • Reaper of Souls Digital Deluxe

But, when I look at each of the products in the Battle․net D3 Shop, it shows IN LIBRARY in the upper left corner of the product icons. If yours says the same thing, mouse-over IN LIBRARY and a popup should say “You already own this product.”   Or something to that effect.

Try logging into D3 and see if you can create a Necromancer. When you click on Switch Character, look in the lower left corner to see how many Character Slots you have left. Add that to the number of Characters you already have. If it adds up to 17 you also have the RoS Digital Deluxe Edition.

Just a little update…

I ended up submitting a ticket to Blizzard, because I just couldnt wrap my head around how I could have access to something that I dont own.
First I got a response that said that they thought perhaps that I had two accounts and that that could be the problem, so I should log out of one and into the other, I guess.
I replied that I dont have two accounts, never have, have had the same account for around 15 years now, that my problem was that I had access to both dlcs for diablo 3 without them being on my account, which they did say that they could see.
Second response came, which said something like: Well, we can see that you only have Diablo 3 standard editon on your account, so all good!
Haha… I mean, what the…
At this point I guess I am just going to enjoy the dlcs without actually owning them, I guess I have Blizzards blessing at this point.
I find this both hilarious and so dumb, but thanks to all in here who tried to help :smiley:

Hey again! Sorry to re-update.

There was just one more thing that I wanted to try to solve the problem, which was to actually uninstall the game and redownload it, because I was pretty sure that would solve the issue.
But nope, it did not, which tells me that the problem at least isn’t on my end and that for some mysteries reason Blizzard thinks I own the dlcs even if I don’t.
As I stated above, Blizzard does not seem to care or just don’t understand what the problem is, so, yay me, I guess :smiley:

thx again, have a nice day all!


I see you created a Necromancer. Which means you “own”:

  • Diablo III
  • Reaper of Souls
  • Rise of the Necromancer

Also known as the Diablo III: Eternal Collection.

If you have a total of 17 Character Slots, you also have the RoS Digital Deluxe Edition.

Good for you. “Don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth.”

Hehe… right!

About the character slots, with the characters I have and the free I have left, I have a total of 12, I have no idea what that means.

Edit: Sorry to be coming back to this, but things just got weirder.
Since you mention the character slots I checked and the base game has 10, RoS adds 2 and RoN also adds 2 with the deluxe edition you get an additional 3, totaling 17.
Now I only have 12 which means I got two from RoS but not from RoN and the reason I know I didnt get any from RoN is because I just checked and besides the Necro class nothing else from the dlc is unlocked, all the cosmetics, the extra stash, pet etc. isn’t unlocked.
To my knowledge thats just not possible, that you get the Necro class but not the other stuff… how? why? This is so weird.

oh, btw, the stuff from RoS is unlocked.

If you only have 12 character slots, then that means you don’t have the Necromancer expansion, because that would’ve boosted you to 14 slots. But if it actually allowed you to create a Necromancer character and enter a game, it would seem that the game itself is rather confused.

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The game is confused, I’m confused, because as I edited above, this should not be possible :stuck_out_tongue:

Did you by any chance also purchase Diablo 2 Resurrected or Diablo 4?

If so, you may have purchased one of the special/deluxe/collector’s editions that also included D3, RoS and Necro DLC.

For example, my purchase of D2R was the edition that included the bonus Mephisto cosmetics for D3 and also came with D3, RoS and the Necro pack. I already owned these but if I did not, I would have had them unlocked.

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Maybe it’s a case of monkey business? :grin: