Ronald's legacy and love

I was thinking if maybe next league, if they make some updates in Ronald’s set …
Crusader with Rolandos on, is super tanky, very nice playing with sweep attack. Also it lacks of damage. I personally loved it, as well as the throne bombardment one.

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You can be Ronald McDonald, I’ll be the Burger King with my primal Leoric’s crown, and then we’ll ask for Wendy’s support. New meta, really fast paragon, yum.

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Damage??? …
Am talking about doing high solo with the set… not level 80greater rifts…

Cleared a GR110 with shieldbash at 1600 paragon with barely any augments and lowish gems, but ye it felt like that was the brick wall atleast for me. And ye both Roland builds have barely any legendaries to support the builds. I mean hammerdin has a ton of boosting legs

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