put simply how to do it?
I saw some youtube but they were not using the same build…
the spend 300 wrath in 10 sec5times Idont know at all how to do it.
howparagon should be spend ?
thankyou in advance
You need a golden flense. It regenarets wrath as you spend if you hit more than x number of monsters. Once you have that it should be easy. Also make sure you don’t do to much damage so you need to hit 2 or 3 times before you finish the mobs.
roland set is one of the hardest dungeon set for crusader, in my 1st time when i was a nub it was a really hard to complete it, and i had someone to helped me with it, now i can do that with some tries, but still hard, and sometimes u will have bad luck and wont be able to complete it
I failed again can someone look at my crusader and guide me a little with tips. I have a lot of difficulties doing it.
Try using the holy sweep, it groups enemies together. Also instead of the fast steed, try using the holy pull one. I see you are using condemn for that, but it might work out for you. What are you mainly struggling with in your set dungeon?
what is the holy pull you are refering to?
Paragon distribution I have 200 points in each categories is this a set dungeon you should low your paragon in one place?
Struggling with fatal damage and speed.
Draw and quarter (Steed charge)
Gathering sweep (Sweep attack)
I didn’t know it was that hard to figure out. Sorry…
Still having trouble? I did remember this being very tight in time, just did it right now, and even with how much better I got in this game, it’s still tight on time. Did it nontheless, 4:51, first try.
I disagree with others saying you should aim for couple of hits on mob or other things. You should aim for 1 shot and move along asap (even then, you might not 1 shot elites, and think about how much time you have to spend killing it if you nerf your damage). Gear wise, Burst of Wrath, Messe, Zodiac, Krelm belt, Illusory Booths, either cubed or worn, are what I used.
I didn’t check how much wrath I really spent in 10 sec, but for second objective, your goal is to do it independently with the first obj. Pop Akarat’s Champ (Embodiment of Power rune), once you used Sweeping Strike on a patch of mob (Blazing Sweep is fine), go all in. Paragon on Max Wtath of course, use Provoke if need be, spend all your wrath, hit mob near you if any. You should he able to do it everytime.
For first objective, I don’t think Illusory Boot is a must, but it should help you navigate through mobs to get approx 12.
That’s pretty much it. With Steed Charge (Endurance) and Krelm’s Belt, move through map asap, don’t leave any stragglers behind. Search and check the layout of Roland set dungeon and get an idea of how you should move.
If you’re not doing this in season, I get you won’t be able to cube Messe and Burst of Wrath together. Go for Burst of Wrath only in that case (Golden Flense being interchangeable).
edit: oh yeah. Used Molten Gizzard (25), Gorgok (0), Esoteric Alteration (70) in case you’re wondering. I used them for toughness just in case. and I’d say Resource Cost Reduction is fine if you’re going for it. after clearing 1st objective, you would want to kill small patch of mobs anyway.
I nearly got it but i was 1 monster short and never saw it…
Thanks for the tips. This is the last dungeon I have to do in order to get the master wings. I’m trying to find a Denial shield to use with Golden Flense.
Use Blessed Hammer skill to spend resources. This is by far the easiest to do.
Shift strafe, take off all jewelry and take each objective at a time, finished with 1:42 left after struggling for several hours i somehow made it a cakewalk with shift walking alone, illusory boots r a must. hope this helps and glhf to all that are on the same struggle boat