Rng Did NOT Like Me This Season

Had GR70 done in first few hours of season, coming up on 72 hours played now and season end soon, and still haven’t finished my altar

Need 2 more primals worth of ashes to unlock the double primal drops node, and i’ve salvaged every primal i’ve looted, and not used the craft primal cube recipe

i just haven’t had enough primal drops this season, been blasting 60-90 second GR110’s or farming visions & cubing to try maximise my drop chance, but nothing

Anyone else had a rough 1?


Brutal… RNG wasn’t kind to me but I had the luxury of time to burn to make up for it. And burn it I did… spent weeks farming goblins for my Cosmic Wings… got them on the 27th though after 10 seasons of frustration and failure.


For completing the Altar, I just did bounties to farm visions and didn’t push for Greater Rifts at all. Try to take your time instead of flying through quests and try to fulminate as many Visions as you can while clearing bounties.
Thinking this Season started at 12th January and we are at april 1st making we made past 78 days. You have played this season for 72 hours which is less than one hour per day at average. I believe it’s pretty normal that you are behind schedule but eventually you’ll get there.


RNG can be awful. You have 1200 paragon points so how much have you been blasting? No criticism meant :slight_smile:

We have four accounts in the family. Every one of them have done the altar & season journey. The one account did the altar in SC & HC. Two of the accounts did that stuff in 40 hrs or less.

The one that did SC & HC the SC was done in less then 40 hrs. On the HC side it was done in around 30 hrs. What you need is have yours friends or clan help you out.

The one that did the SC & HC on the SC side she has got between 35 to 40 primals.

As DH main who loves multishot, the holy grail has been a Primal Yangs. Since they were introduced in S10, I have had a few thousand drop/upgraded/re-forged. This season, I re-forged one 239 times and no success. In all this time, I have had exactly one Primal Yang’s drop and it rolled horribly.

In this season, I had like 70-80 Primals and 3 of them were Balefire Caster’s. Yes, rngesus hates me.

Not enough apparently lol

Focused more on visions tbh, would run GR’s til i either got bored of em or looted a couple bovine bardiches(which i got a lot of), then open a cow level and get 2-3 visions from it, visions were what i assumed were my best chance of finding primals

I saw someone posting that he had had most success with getting primals from Visions and thought it odd because I had gotten more from other activities. And then some time later I began to get more primal drops from Visions than elsewhere. I still find that the statistics are correct (about one in four hundred) over an extended period of time. With some players sadly being hit with poor luck.

Was wondering all the years (and seasons!!!) what Kadalas last name might be. Now I know… :grin:

Huh? I had Altar completed 4th day of season. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I gave primals to several clan members early on so they could finish Altar (after I did). Evidently I made the correct virgin sacrifices to the RNG gods. :laughing:

Bro, I’ve got 2 or 3 of 'em in my NS stash and I think I’ve found 2 of 'em this season. I’ve even salvaged a few of 'em. :bow_and_arrow:
RNG gods are capricious and even downright malicious at times. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

And I hate you for making me :sob:.

UE DH is my favorite build. Since Primals were introduced in S10, I usually average reforging Yangs about 50 times to get a decent ancient. On top of that, I easily average finding/upgrading rares another 100. So probably around 3000 career Yangs and just the one horribly rolled one. In that same time, I have gotten lucky with DML’s and have received like 10 Primal ones over the years. I would trade all 10-20 of the Primal Karlei’s points I have gotten (I really do not like Shadow build) for 1 well rolled Primal Yangs.

I have said for years the 3 true Prime Evils in D3 are Kadala, Urshi, and the Mystic.


How about primal Yang’s, DML, Wraps, Cpt Crimsons?


Now I gotta hate you too. :sob:


Some guys have all the luck! :wink:

(…and before someone points out that this are covers: Some Guys Have All the Luck - Wikipedia ;-))

Brilliant! You’re a genius! But where does Zoltan Kule fit into this? He’s just as inept and incompetent as those twerps (and he’s an arrogant mouthy barstard on top of it!) Haedrig ain’t always real cooperative neither. At least I can go kill Kule when he pisses me off.

Send me a friend request and I’ll attempt to share my luck with you. :slightly_smiling_face: More likely, however, you’ll share your luck with me.

I got all that stuff too. Now Alex is really gonna be mad at me. :rage:


Well this season i got 5 primals in less than 11 hours, feels like my luck is a lot better than last season

Ofc now i’ve typed this i’m probably gonna jinx myself and not get anymore

Only problem is this season my luck seems to be too good and i’m only getting useful primals that i can’t ash to progress my altar lmao