Rites of Sanctuary suggestions

Back by popular demand, the Rites of Sanctuary and Visions of Enmity Season themes have become a permanent fixture of Diablo III. While we are extremely excited to make these features always available, to ensure your time slaying demons remains balanced, we had to make some adjustments to the bonuses provided by the Altar of Rites. When existent alongside Visions of Enmity, continual Season themes, and adjustments to Class balance, we felt the game’s balance would benefit from adjustments to Rites of Sanctuary. Here’s what has changed:

While I agree that it makes sense to nerf it a little bit to compensate the „continual season themes“, In my opinion the inclusion of the point „adjustement to class balance“ is a bad thing. That is not something you should do, because in non season there is nothing as „continual season themes“.
You could argue the accumulated paragon over the x amounts of seasons is the non season benefit.

a) this counts for every „adjustement to class balance“ – Every build gets the same boni from paragon.
b) not everyone has a non season paragon level of 9001+. In fact the most people probably have something like 2-4k.
c) Paragon is not a thing which even should be considered as it is also available to grind in Season. It is possible to get to 6k+ paragon level during a Season for some people aswell.

Therefore i suggest the following:
a) Do not „nerf“ the Rites of Sanctuary at all in non season mode, as there is for the most people really nothing there to compensate for it. I would suggest to keep the original values in non season mode.
b) Do not „nerf“ the Rites of Sanctuary in the season mode, by that much! I would suggest only to half the original values at max to compensate for the continual season themes. While it might be to much with the combination with a specific „continual season theme“ it might be to much nerfed in combination with other ones.
c) Do not „nerf“ sections of the Rites of Sanctuary at all, that do not benefit actual strength of the character, and instead are only qol features like movement speed etc.
d) Do not put the Rites of Sanctuary, and the „continual season themes“ in the consideration while balancing the class sets, as aa) they are not in the non season mode, and bb) one continual season theme might be to much with a specific class balancing and with the other season themes it is not good enough. Your whole balancing gets screwed this way for the goal of averaging mostly the same value of every set. → Instead i suggest to balance them in non seasonal out, without the season themes in mind!
e) Power Pylon should not be removed from the father section of Rites of Sanctuary, in fact it just buffs the using of squirts necklace even more… which leads to less item variety, also it is to punishing for solo players, who need to rely on this for killing the bosses.
f) 5% instead of 50 % damagebuff against bosses on the roar section is way to punishing for solo players. In Groups you can have a specific boss killer for the bosses so it is not that punishing there. But for solo players where you have to make a compromiss between bk and tk it is not balanced enough and therefore unfair and way to punishing. As i stated above i would maximal „nerf“ every altar section to the half and not more! Therefore 25%

Other suggestions:
g) Do not nerf the tal Rasha Set at all, as it is in is own the weakest sets already. Only the additioning other items make it currently that strong.
h) The same thing i stated for the Tal Rasha set are also true for the Trag’Ouls Set, The strength of it did not came from the set, instead from the additioning other items. So no point nerfing the set and the other items.
i) There is no point to nerf any of the wd sets as all at is still weaker than the others.
j) Change the fixed rolls of most legendary ring and amulet slot to give them atleast a fixed socket roll, as you want it on every ring and amulet anyways.
k) More storage tabs in the chest please!
l) I recommend introducing a paragon cap of 4k or 5k so that you can improve your characters by playing more but not indefinetly so that placing on the leaderboard is possible for more players.

Thanks for reading and improving things.