RIP Aine. I killed her by my overconfidence

Yes, you read that right. My first season death and my first HC death after not playing for 6 years. It was my LOD hydra wiz who crossed. Between my wiz and my necro, the wiz is tankier while they both have almost the same damage output so I gambled on her to finish the Champion journey.

I was trying to hit the final task for Champion where I need to kill the Diablo realm uber in T10. My passive proc’ed when he did the lightning thing abut since I was way too confident I that can kill him with his already little health bar, I went berzerk and YOLO’ed instead. LOL.

No 10 sec UI freeze.
My Internet is superb.

It’s. Just. Me.

PS: TY to the kind soul at the HC gc who helped me kill all ubers hitting the champion badge finally. You are a rockstar.


You died in T10? I just looked at your wiz and I have no idea what you’re trying to run. If that really is your first death, then you’re playing scared.

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When like me you will lose an HC character with almost full augments and gems level 130, then you will know what real pain is…

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RIP brother. Need a PL ?

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should have used the necro. Sheet dps is almost meaningless without the right build. A necro like yours, with lots more paragon ofc, can carry a 4 man team in a 150.


i did the ubers for the T10 season journey when i should have used my necro instead. i got overconfident with the wiz

@endeavor – yes, i should have used the necro. i relied so much on sheet dps that i thought my wiz would out DPS the necro :confused:

lesson learned :frowning:

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Your build made ZERO sense!


that’s the new wiz. didn’t touch it for a while. the wiz that died had LOD hydra.

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