Rhykker's interview with David Kim @ Blizzcon

Just in case you may have missed it.

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Here’s the full footage:

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And here is a summary of what we learned from that interview:

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Altough Rhykker is a cool guy i disagree when he said that sacrificing power for magic find is the right way to go.
Magic find characters should be an identity of characters so if you create the strongest character and find everytime good gear that will break the game’s balance with economy.
There was a purpose of magic find builds in D2, it was to either decide: do you want to just clear easily or do you prefer harder gameplay but with chances to get better loot.
The choice of sacrifice affixes for MF was legit.


Magic Find replacing affixes on gear is stupid because it leads to this vicious cycle:

I need to wear MF so I can get better gear… which I won’t use because I need MF so I can get better gear… which I won’t use because I need MF so I can get better gear…

MF should not be tied to equipment.


Your point is invalid if there is a diminishing return, in other words said cap to magic find.
You will not need over 200% magic find for example in D2 to be able to find the similar chances of finding gear (unless magic items) if you just have 200% magic find.

I guess this graphs explains it better.


No the point is still valid because even if I reach the MF cap those values will still be occupying affixes on gear.


And break economy because everyone is just as strong as you TOGETHER with MF and everyone will have endgame gear in a few days or weeks and the leaderboard will be a mess.
There will be no competition.

I disagree.

First of all, as a solo self-found player I don’t give a damn about the economy and if enabling trading is going to screw the drop rates I’d rather have no trading at all.

Second, this wouldn’t break the economy if Blizzard implements forms of draining items/gold out of the economy. People being decked-out in endgame gear can also be accounted for by adding an augmenting system to the game that requires gear drops to use in augments.


And that is how I spent most of my time playing my D2 MF Sorc than my main D2 Sorc in the past.

You might as well ask Blizzard to make a game only with single player and LAN services for CO-OP then :smiley:
Whats the point of being a multiplayer game if you will most of the time just play solo?

However PVP is confirmed, so economy and competition will be quite important for the game.

Dont worry, you will be happy anyways since Blizzard confirmed BoT and Bind on pick-up for the best gear of endgame, which in the opinions of many will be a negative blow for the game.
Thats why a variety of different item types between normal, magic, rares besides legendaries, sets, and mythics is needed, to be able to do builds competitive however you want without the need to find the “BiS”.
It will be another story if “BiS items” are achievable through crafting material trades.

I never cared about the multiplayer aspect of Diablo games, nor did any of my friends.

And you completely ignored the rest of my post.

Who are these many? The same guys that want trading, but don’t want a Market Board? The guys that want trading to be restricted to stone-age direct bartering?

Sigh so i really have to repost links lol. There has been many topics created already even on D3 forums, but the second one, even though it doesnt speak too much about BoT and BoP (its still discussed in the whole topic) already caught my attention by the quantity of posts and discussion.
Ill even drop a reddit post too.
Edit: Maybe you can expand and explain in better words what exactly you mean with your augmented system and how this exactly should work.


This isn’t really how it worked in Diablo 2 except with players who didn’t understand the math behind magic find builds and simply thought “bigger number = better”.

There’s 2 elements to magic find: The odds of getting a drop, and how many dice rolls you get to make. Magic Find helped with the first one while better gear helped with the second one.

It wasn’t worth getting pure MF in every slot if it meant you were only making 1 boss kill for every 5 that another character with half your MF could do because they didn’t sacrifice ALL their power.

After all, what would you rather have:

  • 2 slot machine rolls with a 50% chance of winning
  • 10 slot machine rolls with a 25% chance of winning

The second one results in more winnings on average despite being a lower win percentage.


Making a MF character/build has to have a down side when you do this you are picking the way you play.
In most cases it’s lower content faster, or high risk content.
But as Cyonan just stated, you need to keep in mind if what you are doing is helping you get more/better drops or should you just forgo a MF character/build in the first place.
Risk versus Reward, and that should be a drop in power the risk, to gain a chance at getting more/better drops the reward.

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You might as well complain about elemental resistances “occupying” affix slots on your gear as well since it isn’t raw damage such as “crit,crit damage, attack speed”. Elemental resistances just wastes affix slot space too, so why should we have it in the game?

They should take out all elemental damage so I can just keep stacking my trifecta stats like in Diablo 3 (crit,CD,CHD). Never mind that why even bother with the old “trifecta” stats, lets just remove items from the game entirely and let us do 100 billion damage all the time so we can 1 shot every monster. Itemization is just stupid and “in the way”. Why should I have to find legendary’s to make my builds, I should just be able to click my auto-build generator button and press my mouse button one time so that my character just automatically clears dungeons.

Every affix contributes to you being more efficient in “getting better gear”. You have more elemental resistances so you die less often so your farms are more efficient - this helps you get better gear with time-efficiency. You have other affixes such as faster hit recover, attack rating, damage reduction, crit, aoe.

Increasing your drop rate % chance from magic find is a part of the same value of measurement that contributes towards speed and efficiency that any other affix does that makes your character more “powerful”. However its not rolling more/faster dice rolls that raw damage/offensive stats, its making your dice rolls have higher values.

The point of “better gear” is that better gear provides you with better affix rolls and potentially higher values. If as someone said before that 200% is the max MF value before diminishing returns become overwhelming, this game may have a legendary or unique pair of gloves that automatically gives you 150% magic find, now you don’t need to sacrifice as many affix slots on other items with magic find. This is part of this type of game: the item juggle.

Again, Magic find is a part of the same value measurement for farm-efficiency as any other affix. If you don’t want magic find, you can put more raw power affixes to kill stuff faster and improve your farm efficiency through that method.

Actually yes, direct bartering was an enjoyable social aspect of the game. Negotiating skills, psychology all comes into play, its a fun mini game itself.