Rhyker "We're Not Doing It. "Diablo II:Resurrected

Got any proof? :eyes:

So you really believe that the random polls that came out for D2R are majority voted by trolls that want to see D2R fail?

if you think ill let random people in the private discord server, then no.
you can look sites up on the internet. its not hard to find. you can pay$€£. and get so many votes you like.

i can tell you i personal know som, irl friends. they just mad random accs. and voted. they spended 12 hours on it. totaly stuppid.

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i ditten say that… read agian thx.

You stated the votes on the survey’s aren’t legit, and were voted by the same trolls with no evidence to back up your claims. I am not sure what your point is exactly other than creating fallacies to discredit the majority of people voting for a personal loot option to fit your own narrative for a no personal loot option.

There he goes again. Millions of copies sold. Blames d2jsp with 400 active members probably.

Says they are ALL the ones that want ploot. What a joke sick individual.

Your unhealthy and sad.

Rocknrolla thinking a biased poll means anything. These people will lie about anything LOL. Don’t worry next is increase drop chances to make him feel like a winner. Than allocated loot. Don’t let them get ploot. First step to a garbage game.

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yes so? som of the votes are false. you dont like it because it dosent fit your own narrative.

ps you will not get P-loot in D2R. keep the salt comming.

So in other words, you want me to take your word that the survey’s that were in favor for a personal loot option were rigged without you even posting any evidence to back up your claims that they were indeed skewed by trolls. Yea, ok buddy.

Oh, I get it, you are just a troll with no real proof for your argument other than your own bias opinion. Got it, have a good one.

it was not in favor. so ther you also wrong.

The survey that MicroRNA posted was indeed in favor for a personal loot option.

38% no
36% yes
13% ONLY yes if ther is a trade off. what dosent mean yes. but mabye.
and how many of the 36% will still say yes. if ther is a trade off.?


36% + 13% = 49% > 39%

Even if we exclude that 13%, 39% and 36% are most likely in the margin of error for the poll meaning that about as many want the additional of optional personal loot as to have D2R FFA only.

13% is mabye. not yes 100%. its the true. i dont know why you keep beliving its the 13% is 100% yes.

It was 39% for votes of no with 36% for votes of yes and 13% yes but only if there is a trade off. 49% is greater than 39%.

See my extra comment

13% is mabye. not yes 100%. its the true. i dont know why you keep beliving its the 13% is 100% yes.

i know its hard to belive whats real.

so ther is errors now? glad you starting to see it.

but still 13% is perhaps.

It is “Yes, if,” which is a bit different from maybe.

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