Returning Player - General Builds (Solo)

I play mostly solo. I was wondering how far apart class set builds are nowadays?

Can all sets clear GR 150 eventually? Or is there a huge gap in what certain sets can clear? If yes, how big of a gap? F tier vs S tier, are we talking GR 100 (F) vs GR 150 (S) or not that big of a gap?


Only handful of builds can maybe clear GR150. Due to the S24 and S25 themes giving massive power buffs the overall balance is a bit more vague to estimate without them. Gaps between top and bottom are something like 20GRs+ although majority of the builds are within the upper 10 GR range.

The Maxroll solo tier list is a good place to start looking for a suitable solo build:

The Inna Mystic Ally for monk and Marauder for DH are some of the ones I’d personally recommend.

Maxroll’s Solo Tier List has S-tier builds as the strongest available (some of which can solo GR150) and…

  • A-Tier = Up to 5 tiers below S-tier
  • B-Tier = Up to 10 tiers below S-tier
  • C-Tier = Up to 15 tiers below S-tier
  • D-Tier = Up to 20 tiers below S-tier
  • F-Tier = Over 20 tiers below S-tier

So, the range can be from GR150 to under GR130.

I’m sure you meant GR150.  

Keep in mind that S26 will not have the power creep that the last few seasons have had. Don’t get discouraged if you’re not slamming out GR150’s within a few weeks.

Some of the big content creators are expecting most people won’t even see GR150 this season.