Returning player, everything gone?

I’m pretty sure I have diablo 3 and expansion purchased years ago. I was like paragon 100 ish but didn’t play much and quit. I wanted to return to the game and the game has “free to play” icon and not “Install” like I don’t own the game. I didn’t think much and just installed it, then I found out I have literally no characters no nothing, everything new… WHY???

You need to sign in with your correct username and password. If you created a new account, you will get the starter edition.

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But I’ve always used this account on launcher, No changes~


First, make sure you are using the original account (email address).

Second, try changing your bnet account password. It may trigger some actions at the backend, and fix some account-related issues. (no guarantee)

Finally, you can input a ticket to the account support for help. You may need to supply certificate of your identity. That’s why account-related issue can’t be solved on the forum.

Also be sure you are playing in the right region (Americas, Europe). If you switch region, you start with a fresh slate if you haven’t played in that region before.

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Go to your account settings page on this website and check your game status. It will tell you whether or not your account is active.

I wish… however, my starter edition account for D3 shows “active”… so that doesn’t really work.

Not sure what that field is for… I remember someone from Blizzard CS saying that the field always show active, unless you’ve been banned or ask Blizzard to close your account… or something like that.

I think OP should contact Blizzard Support, if he/she hasn’t yet.

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As Boubou suggested, you’ll want to contact our customer support team to address this issue. Account issues are not something that we address on the forums as this is the public forums and recovery can require some sensitive data for verification. Please contact our customer support team here.