Resource managment (generator skills are bad)

Maybe you are in the wrong genre, because you can already do it in Diablo 2 as well. (in most cases) Also if D3 sucks so bad why are you here?


Well, it ate a lot of mana
Potions allowed ppl to abuse them
But the game also provided me mechanics to not spam potions, but use gear and skills to manage my mana

I played Diablo 2 for the better part of 15 years. You don’t need potions to spam anything with the right gear. If the entire point of the game is to find the right gear to reduce resource costs and cool down, that seems a little short sighted. My point is why have in the first place? Isn’t it more fun not to micromanage the stupid stuff, just to be able do what you want anyway?

The funny thing is that I’m basically agreeing with your point but taking it a step further. Apparently you only want some skills to be free but not all of them. :man_shrugging:t3:

Torchlight, Grim Dawn, PoE use mana potions
D3 doesnt.
Shall we continue?

So. They all copied Diablo. Potions are dumb and so are resource costs.

I’ve seen this in a classic movie once. It was called War Games. The computer played itself in tic tac toe until it “learned” futility.

So short answer to why not: futility

You’re better off watching 2 computers play themselves at chess. Or watching a simulation. shrug

If being the operative word, the entire point of the game should be to have fun. Everyone perfecting their own rotation appeals to many. As opposed to ‘everyone just clickity click clicking and the fastest clicker in all the lands should have the ground that they walk on worshipped’

Resource generation + Resource spending without means to bypass the resource generation aspect entirely makes for much more engaging gameplay than ‘lemme just spaz out’

Mind you that is just my opinion, shared by others, as I’m sure some people just want to spaz out or call it what you will.

And they were smart for that.
Its such a more enjoyable game where YOU manage your ressource and dont let THE SYSTEM manage your ressources.


Using gear to manage your resources is the system managing your resources. It’s just taking longer to do what you want.

And thats enjoyable?

No managing resources is not enjoyable.

Ahem. The resources are not generated by gear. They’re generated by 1 of several skills you must select from, and items can enhance that decision.

Well I’m sorry but disagree.

Hard no for me cap’n

So you gotta let the system decide for you because you cant decide on your own.
Great & fun game /sarcasm off.

Yay, yet another topic where “all D2 did was good” so it should be in D4.

First thing first, pot spamming should never return. It sucked.

And if you actually played D3, you’d know that most builds gear around making it not needed to actually manage your resource, just like D2.


Resource acquisition is based off of skills in D4. You have to manually earn using your ‘stronger’ abilities. As it pertains to potion spamming, welcome to the world of cooldowns. You’ll have to wait another 13 seconds before you quaff another health replenishing flask.

You’re confusing. You don’t like potion spamming. Cool. You don’t like Cooldowns. Cool. But you disagree with removing them from the game. strange.

Err, I absolutely love cooldowns.

Not sure where you extracted that from. It is part of balance. Good balance, at that.

It was in D1 to start with.
And keeps being in modern RPGs, sorry to say.

Theres no problem with that if spells cost high ressource and enemies get mana burn on hit.

And its fun to endure from lvl one until you start reach endgame together with paragon levels to achieve that.
You amaze me man.

Yeah, and this is how it works for Barbarians and Monks in D3 too. But many endgame builds (all?) gear around not having to deal with resource.

Even classes that have regenerating resource gear around or choose skills that avoid having to deal with resources.

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Do you not have characters who use gear to reduce cooldown times? That would break the “balance” right?