Research portal email

Today I got an email from the ‘Blizzard Research Portal’ wanting to survey me regarding gameplay. Is this legit? I don’t mind signing up if it’s really from Blizzard but I want to be sure it’s not a phish. Thanks!

Well, they definitely have a Blizzard Research Program,

That article has a link to the Blizzard Research Portal…

From the FAQs section of that article…

What should I expect after I sign-up?

After you sign-up you will be eligible to take part in our tests. We will contact you via email when we have a test coming up, and you will be able to let us know if you are available to participate. Don’t worry if you can’t make it, there will always be more opportunities.

So, I’d be tempted to say it’s more likely legit than not.


Yeah. I signed up very carefully…checking for red flags…it did activate the Blizzard Authenticator on my phone. So I think it is ok.

Best advice I could give you is to never click any links in an email unless you are 100% sure of the sender. origin of the link.

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I rarely do. I do know how to check the actual email source in the header area, and this did lead back to Blizzard…

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Meteorblade has an excellent post covering the program and sign up link. There most certainly is a program and I can verify an email for a survey did go out.

Those survey emails are not new either. They have sent surveys to randomly selected Bnet accounts for years on various topics - even if you were not in a program/signed up. The difference now is that they have a real dedicated User Research team behind it so the survey now mentions the program.

Great that you checked and were careful to go through the Blizzard website though! Always smart to do.

Thanks so much for the reassurance.

True. But even your grandmother’s email account could be hacked and used for spreading malware and viruses…

Good point. Edited my post to “origin of the link” instead of “sender”.

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