Hello and apologies for using your name but no one else will do!!
I have had bookmarked for a long while your excellent post on location of transmogs, pets etc. I have used it a lot. I went to use it just now and it has presumably been consigned to the ‘buried in a never to be found’ archive.
If you still have a copy would it be possible to repost it to the forums please?
I’m sure it will be useful to many not just me.
Here is it’s old address if that helps (and which now takes me to the newer forum)
Thank the Lord! Sorry I didn’t do much of a search as I erroneously imagined it would have been badly handled by the powers that be. Also I don’t visit the forums hardly at all, all the grumpy hate got to me.
Have a good evening all and thank you all for answering and a hug to Miss C