Rend and Whirlwind Damage

I play exactly the you do and some players hassle me for it, but it all good. Here’s the S&B setup that I’m going to player after the season:

Below, Rage helped how to taken advantage of it during S22.

Hard casting regularly is more effective for me fer sure . I was in the habit of not hard casting enough . I recently started hard casting a lot and noticed I was melting them down much faster . I thought I would try a 129 push the other night and just missed it by a half minute after increasing my hard casting . And that’s with using BK swords with Crimson and Leg gems not quite leveled where they should be . Another thing that is really helpful is when dual wielding , it’s good to keep weapons as close in damage as possible . Me , my BK blades are both identical so they are consistent when alternating . Damage stays exactly the same on both . I notice too , that if I get in a really dense screen of monsters all bunched together , if I spin for a bit in there for 5 seconds or so then hard cast several times they melt down pretty good . The more density , the better definitely . The damage you are doing to all the trash in the mix reflects the damage on to the elites and blues even at a slight distance from them . And with the right timing on COE physical cycle they will go down a lot faster . A lot of it’s in the way we execute casting while in the battle . Just be careful hard casting when doing it in higher GR’s . You got to time it right or you will take a one shot and die . The spinning helps keep you alive whereas the interruption from spin to the cast can get you dead in a instant .

You will feel like they are melting faster when hard casting, because that is when you also get the effect of area damage, which you don’t get from auto cast Rends.

Not sure what paragon you are, but you might get more value from running the core 6 pc wastes set, rather than the cc set.

Density is key, which is why rage flip is so important to learn how to use, and also knowing when to move on, or when to skip completely.

When hard casting Rend, you really only want to get off about 2 casts of Rend. Any more and you run the risk of dropping both your wastes and taeguk DR bonuses, which means dead.

I run with a Raza Naga mouse, so I have numbered buttons at my thumb. I have WW on my right mouse button, and hard cast on 4, which I can do without ever letting go of WW. By using space to force cast, it gives the effect of hard casting Rend without ever stopping spinning, even though I do.

Keep spinning, keep learning, and as always, come here to ask questions and share your exploits. We all love hearing/seeing how people are going.

Happy spinning :+1:t2:

Long time no see. Hope you and yours are well. Hope life on the ranch continues be awesome.

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