Remove corpse models

As a necromancer, how do I remove the corpse models for skills? I understand that they are needed to use skills, but I usually don’t use such skills or I already know where the corpses are. The models of corpses are the same, physics does not work, as a result, just a carpet of corpses - all this spoils the impression very much.


Use one of the Corpses skills : Devour, Corpse Explosion, Corpse Lance, Revive

I know what these corpses are. But they spoil the visual experience of the game. How can I hide them?

Play a non-necro class. The corpses aren’t visible to every class except the Necromancer.

This is not a solution

Necromancer players see corpse models because Necromancers have skills available to them which rely on the consumption or use of corpses. As a result, there’s no ability for a Necromancer player to not see these. This is how the game is, even though you may prefer it to be different.

It’s working how Blizzard designed it, i.e. they don’t consider this a fault that needs a solution.

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Thanks for the answer.

It’s a pity. It would be great to be able to turn this off. For example, if the necromancer has no skills on the panel for corpses. What do you think?


I think this is a good idea.

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Use an effect like Sever which, as I have read, should prevent a corpse from being created when the enemy is slain.

Some other effects are purported to do this as well.

However, that would mean any skill needing a corpse would fail unless you activate Land of the Dead to get free use.