Reminder for PTR

I’m still thinking they bit off more than they could chew with the last season. I’d be panicking if I had to make the new sets, new season theme, test them, balance last wave of new sets, balance the old sets that you redesigned, keep the trend of adding new powers to useless legendaries, and also fulfill the promise of a tuning pass on all sets. Something will probably give. I’m guessing it’s the length of season 19. We might get an oldstyle longer season.

I’m ok if the PTR and season are delayed if it means we’ll get a proper PTR and problem free season.

That being said, I think we’ll get an announcement on a Tuesday

PTR announcements typically come whenever and start whenever. Someone can pull the data if I am wrong (Please do!) but I am pretty sure we have had PTR starts on Wednesdays, Fridays, Tuesdays, etc…

They are not uniform like season starts on Fridays.

Hopefully we get something this week. Would love to take the new toys for a test drive as well as the season theme.

That being said, I am done with my break since the first week of the season, going to start pushing a little on HC and get a LB spot, then just ensure I hold a spot. I love that the GR floor for rank 1000 is higher than it has ever been, something to strive for!