Release Date 31/12/2020?

Fnac set as release date 12/31/2020, is this reliable?

Thank you!

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HIGHLY doubtfull
im expecting 2023
in all honesty
lets be real,
there WILL be ‘delays’ some small setbacks
’‘somethings come up’’

you know
blizzard stuff so really i expect 2023
and thats no joke

although it is very possible to have a demo/ptr/limited alpha-beta invite then yes, but the game release expect bare minimum 2022 like feb/march month


Blizzard soon is 6-12 months based on the last few titles.

So the phrase “Not Blizzard soon” simply means, not in 2020.

After that, pure speculation, but my guess is we get Alpha in Summer of 2020, Beta in spring of 2021, and a release around holiday 2021.


That is a popular click baiting technique we will witness a lot with Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 release date is not known even by the Diablo 4 developers atm.

I expect that they’ll announce the Diablo 4 release date at Blizzcon 2020.


That seems like an “I dont know yet” date.

They were saying not even soon for HotS but took like less than 2 years till release, BUT they were saying soon-ish for SC2 which took 3.5 more years since they said that lol

IF anything I’d go for the 2022 winter (or maybe 2023 March for ex.). Ofc. depending of how long would implementation of 2 more classes work, and whether or not those things are in progress already or not, afair D. Kim said those skills that were shown in the skill tree but greyed out = those were in development ATM

So that’s kinda good news cause quite a few of them were having that status though, BUT, only one area is done-ish (kind of) the Celtic chapter of the world, 2 more classes (completely from scratch) to go, have these 3 polished, perhaps more internal playtesting so they don’t go out in Beta as “only this build or die trying” lol

Yeaah, sounds like more and more to be late 2023, but will kinda keep the hopes up for a 2023 March release though :slight_smile:

Can you give me the alt code for your name.
30 seconds to respond.

no, but i will tell you ‘‘javanese text’’ is your friend
and no its not racist, its really a thing.:muscle::brain::tongue:

I would say that the earliest release date would be sometime around Blizzdon 2021. It might even be as far as spring of 2022, which might mean that on the 10 year anniversary of D3 D4 would launch.

I don’t think saying “Japanese” is racist in the first place.
But it is 2019 and I could be wrong.

If you actually look it says the “PRE-Order” date is Dec 31 2020. I am actually expecting the game to possibly be release mid 2021. This game has been being worked on longer than many realize and unfortunately if it is released half done as D3 was
the date is very possible

I want them to take as much time as they want to make it a good game. Still, blizzard now is not blizzard back in the days. They may rush it to get some $$ 1st then, maybe, focus on fixing it later.

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I wish people would learn how to use these new forums.


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they will need like 15 month minimum if everything is smooth sealing
but there is always rough periods in production
so 2-3 y is realistic

Yeah, and a lot of this time went into David Kim balancing PVP, just like it will be with D4. Unless they axe it in time as they should.

most stores for their websites need to put something in for a release date for pre-orders so they put a dummy date in (in this case December 31/2020) for that. The date listed there and the actual release date have nothing in common with each other.

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My take is not in 2022.

I also don’t want or expect this new game of D4 to be hurried.

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look at it this way, D3 hasn’t been out long enough, gonna wait another 4 years for d4

Speaking of PvP, here’s a few features that might help balancing :thinking:


I would hope 2022, for them taking time and effort to polish it and get their design philosophy down, rather than scrambling to fix things later ala how they sent out letters for reaper of souls virtually begging people to give them another chance.
That being said, this is activision we’re dealing with now. They think in terms of short term shareholders, not “making a good game”-- So I think early/mid 2021 is more likely. The ability of the game to actually “Play” seemed solid, and when that’s done there’s going to be a pressure from the higher ups to ship it a soon as possible and fix the design later (See How bethseda is operating fallout 76 for example)

basically this.