Refunding. I don't trust they will get D2R right

At the beginning I was extremely excited for this remaster, but I’ve grown more and more concerned that Blizzard is not going to live up to their promise of a faithful remaster of the game.

+They have removed TCP/IP, effectively gutting modding support and offline LAN play in the name of “safeguarding the player experience.”
+They have made last-minute ladder changes.
+They refuse to support Windows 7, which is my primary OS that I run off of for gaming. This was a major inconvenience for me and forced me to switch over to my media-based Win10 SSD just to be able to play the game.
+They removed ultrawide support after touting it as a feature.
+There are too many inconsistencies with the UI from the base game and bugs that cause crashing.
+They have censored character models and deviated away from source material for political correctness.
+They have removed the ability to make more than one account, with a hard character limit of 20 per account, reducing storage capabilities.
+Accessing the game client requires you to be connected to (although not certain this will remain for single player at the game’s launch).
+They have suggested being open to further changes down the road when asked about content additions, hinting at the possibility they will morph the game from its “faithful” remastered state.

Blizzard is showing signs that they are willing to give in to people crying for changes on the forums. This overly-vocal minority poses a serious threat of taking D2R down the same path of retail World of Warcraft. Cries for change were heeded by Blizzard, which ultimately resulted in the game changing for the worse and the playerbase gradually declining.

Rather than give my money to Blizzard, only to be suckered into a non-refundable purchase after it’s too late, I will be sticking with my PlugY’d LoD client and waiting to see if Blizzard can effectively put their foot down over the pro-changers, or give in and continue morphing the game, come launch time.

If you want my business, you need to keep your promises and prove that you don’t ruin everything you touch.


These are some good points.
Starting to contemplate if I should refund and wait until launch.


the worst mistake blizzard ever did since they came out with wow and D3 was to give into the complaints of a minority of idiotic complaints made by karens and gen z’s. sadly im sure blizzard will bow down because blizzard is money hungry and scared of their own shadow.


Yawn, attention seekers


they don’t really listen to anyone, they just follow the money.


Well if you are still using Win7 in 2021 then you are kinda limiting/throttling yourself. Win10 and the new Win11 uses your hardware PC components more efficiently. Through the upgrades of Win7 to me having the Dev Win11, all of my games are more smooth now than they were back then. I’ve upgraded here and there but still.


First, obviously your right to refund. While I am liking the D2R and feel it is doing a pretty good job on remastering D2 I can also see the reasons why others are not.

This is the biggest thing I disagree with so far. While I still prefer to play the normal D2:LoD the mods have provided entertainment as well and part of what has helped D2 remain relevant has been the mods.

I’ve been back and forth with this change with others (I don’t think you) but I feel this will be a good change for the game.

I feel the UI changes have been positive but… yea… I am concerned about some of the bugs for launch in 4 weeks… especially as a HC player. Ehhh… and my preferred class hasn’t been in beta ><;

I don’t feel like it so far away to really change the enjoyment of the game. Fair point though

There are some changes that would be positive (buffing unused skills) and some I would disagree with. I do think once the company starts doing these changes they should make another breakpoint for the game (so Classic, D2R:Launch, D2R:Current)

I’ve actually had the opposite experience. I have both operating systems, which gives me the liberty of swapping between them and experimenting when I run into problems, and some games have actually performed worse when using Win10. It’s likely a hardware issue, but when everything I run on Win7 works without issue, I see no reason to change it.

For a company as large and experienced as Blizzard to just shrug and say “No more” to supporting an operating system that is far newer than the game they are remastering, it just feels lazy to me.

[quote=“DuALsTRIKE-11330, post:8, topic:42103, full:true”]

Well they don’t really have a Choice, Microsoft has ended Windows 7 in January 2020, so many developers are starting to cut out Windows 7 support. Microsoft has even said, if you are still using Windows 7 your PC may become more vulnerable to security risks WAY much more than Win 8, 8.1, 10, 11


I wish I could just respond with “K”

0/10 didn’t even read.


I’m not vehemently opposed to ladder changes themselves (especially as I use PlugY and get ladder benefits on single player), I’m more-so annoyed by how close to release Blizzard decided to implement the change. They’ve had several months to come to the decision, and some people are die-hard ladder fans and respect it giving them exclusive access to the most powerful items. While it doesn’t hurt me as much as them, I certainly understand why others are hostile toward this change and see it being a detriment to the larger economy.

Hopefully they will get them ironed out. I’ve repeatedly reported a lot of issues that I’ve encountered in the UI that only happen when doing things in a specific pattern and they’ve yet to address them. It’s concerning that we’re so close to release and it seems they’ve only fixed a few crash scenarios.

This is where I get bothered. Everyone has a vision for where they want the game to go and Blizzard is so insecure with their own vision, they’re willing to walk on a balance beam in order to please everyone.

Rather than putting a foot down and saying “This is how we’re going to do it,” they leave open the idea that anything could be possible, which gets everyone in a frenzy trying to push them to develop the game a certain way, and nobody is happy as a result.

I would like them to be more stalwart in their own development plans and stop trying so hard to make everyone happy so that the community doesn’t tear itself apart over proposed ideas, as players know those ideas will push Blizzard toward a development direction, when they may not necessarily be good ideas for the larger game to begin with.

Thank you for your post!


I wont refund, as i dont give a s*** about those 40€, but im really concearned about them messing with the game core mechanics to satisfy random casual spawns that flood this forum wishes.

If this game fails, also d2 OG is finally killed with it.


I’m betting they’re aching for this launch so they can turn off the legacy servers, too. You’d be right literally and figuratively!


Same, refunded, I feel crazy changes may happen… I’ll see if I’ll buy it in a month…


I dont think they will shut down the servers. But if the playerbase moves to d2r and the game fails in matching the gameplay from OG, then many will stay in d2r and few will go back to the OG, killing the game.


It’s actually quite funny, and represents the arrogance of a minority who continue to believe they speak on behalf of the ‘playerbase’ at large.


Not to break your bubble, but Reddit/Twitch/D2 forums don’t comprise the millions of players that enjoyed the game. Your echo chambers are just that.


As opposed to what? your ghost town of a player base? laughable.


Bingo. Let’s see how they like the fact that just from my 200+ battlenet buddies, only about 10 were considering getting the game. 5, myself included, pre-purched and 4 already got their refunds. In the past few days I reached out to every D2 veteran I know and only 1-2 are even considering this game after the D3 fiasco.


Yessir they did. I’m sorry that you cannot accept this. A lot of people can’t because it seems emotions > logic, but I don’t blame you I guess.

Cite evidence outside of the post confirming the changes.

Nobody supports Win7 any more. It is a defunkt platform that receives no more updates. It would be a waste of time, money and resources to program for something that has been abandoned.

It was never supported in the fashion you and many others remember it in from the Alpha Test. It is supported as a resolution in which you can physically display the game on at your desired desktop resolution and therefore is working as intended. The Alpha Test implementation was a rough implementation without any proper work to make it display correctly.

:man_shrugging: Personal preference, not a bug or a problem.

Opinionated. You’re entitled to an opinion. Doesn’t mean it’s right.

They didn’t remove any ability to make more than one account. This is a limitation. You were aware of this from the get go, signing up for a 2.0 account.

Welcome to current era gaming where 99% of games from Triple A companies are on the Always Online model. You have software pirates to thank for this.

Yet another misconstruing of what “faithful” means in regards to the remaster. Faithful can also imply that they intended to continue support for the game. It might be stretching it, but it is a possibility and that it wasn’t conveyed correctly. I’m giving Vicarious the benefit of the doubt. Better to be optimistic than to be pessimistic and doomsay all-day-long.

Can you discern what is crying and what is actual feedback? I’d like to know your opinion on the matter.

Provide numbers that prove your claim that they are the minority that include more than just Reddit, Youtube, Twitch, D2R forums, etc. (Hint: It’s not possible. There’s FAR more people that will play this game that don’t speak up at all on any social platform.)

And this is your right to do so, and I empower you to do so if that is what makes you comfortable.

They haven’t broken any promises as none were made. Tactical business claims were made, and as such, a game in production is always changing, even “remasters”.