Recommendation for stat reroll

I got this ancient dawn with a so-so stats…
I want to roll to make it better, but I’m having a hard time deciding which to change.

I’m not sure if i should roll the base damage to a higher one or change the %damage increase.

I also want to know your opinion, why base damage or why %damage.

your recommendations are all welcome.


Your ancient dawn has 6% dmg already. If you roll that to 10%, you gain just <4% inc dmg.
Rolling base damage, you get ~10% inc dmg

Just to remind you that the ancient dawn has no CDR and lower %cooldown of vengeance compared against the old dawn. You need to consider whether it is fine for you.

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that’s what i was also thinking… if i should change the 6% damage to 10% CDR… keep the base damage as it is and wait for another ancient with better roll.

Or, rolling AD to CDR, keeping +6% dmg, which is a solid bonus.

that’s a good one… thanks.

I would either roll off dex to CDR or hold on to it until other pieces are complete. This Dawn is just like mine (except mine had a slightly higher damage), and I totally regret rolling the damage range.

Use this calculator and see what rolls give you better outcome:
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Why do you regret it? Because you’re short on CDR?

In your case I would clearly reroll the damage range. just as a reminder, you only need around 39-40% cdr to be perma vengeance.

dmg range is not bad like they say
its above average

keep vita, 6% out (6% will be 3% increase overall), cannot imagine how 900 vit < 3% dmg

i guess u got lower paragon, so this is especially true to keep vita, all who go deeper needed vitality from paragon, vita on weapon got same value (when u got enough cdr overall and ad on this weapon)

Thanks for all the suggestions…

I got this one after 5 rerolls. in the end, i ended not using the other one. lol :laughing:

Not optimal, but still I can use it.