Reaper's Wraps nerf

Can we nerf it to only 1 sec of internal CD?

The 2 sec feels really punishing and awkward. I have to wait around globes to use them… that’s just annoying. Walking over globes at normal speed feels more natural.

I understand these are really strong, but this massive nerf might just kill the item. it’s uncomfortable to use. Kills the flow of the run.


The whole point is to remove RAT RUNS from the game which this essentially does or at least NERF then to be non viable

Except this doesn’t nerf the rats, one of the biggest streamers was able to keep up 10 mages mainly through requium cereplate and devouring aura. They said it required you to pay attention a little more, but while I watched they did gr110 rats with no issues at all. If blizz really wants to nerf rats they need to take more drastic measures.

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Yeah, but they should at least add more bracer options to Necro before nerfing this so hard. This nerf doesn’t really stop rat runs, it just make the item more awkward to use.


But it doesn’t and Rats actually got better.

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How so? Care to shed some light on it?

This seems like an annoying and unnecessary nerf. Also why do we care if rat runs are around or not. It still takes too damn long to level anyways.

But thats all seasons are these days, is grinding paragon a ton and some pushing. Why not give an even better way to gain paragon.

I hardly ever have the patience to even go above 1000. I made it to 1600 one season when I was really engaged with rat runs but still got bored. But might as well let them exist if people want to do them. I don’t see much point in nerfing rat runs.


Wow, just noticed this nerf…

What an utter bullsh*t.



I can’t use it anymore.
after lvl 70 GR its a pain coes health globes come staked due to life from death passive. it means u are wasting valuable resources.
u can not avoid to take 2 superposed bottles due to area grab, accumulate them or make reserves to fire lance or make more than 1 death nova.
u cant use singularity to replenish faster the mages:
IMO its 2x nerf because Simulacrum doesn’t reproduce mages anymore.

this nerf destroys skeletal mages imo to promote other mages but without counterbalancing for damage.

I propose to return bk to original or add devouring aura.

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I’m doing 105+ with Reaper’s Wrap and Life from Death and I don’t have an issue with the globes… I sometimes pick up 2, but for solo play it’s working just fine - am i wasting 30% of my resource bar every now and then? yeah, could they have done something different or nothing at all? sure… but it’s not really a big deal.

Simulacrum still reproduces mages, they haven’t changed that. It only stops doing that if you have Haunted Visions equipped and you are using Grim Scythe - why would you be using Grim Scythe in a mage build anyway?

The nerf is an annoyance more than anything else, it doesn’t really change anything for solo, but it does make it so that rats can’t spam their singularity mages as often, likely doesn’t actually change anything for them though.

The fact that simulacrum is up all the time it is less hassle to deal with, and I’d say you get more consistent uptime on the mages because of it. You are now always spawning 4 and reservoir is always up for the big singularities. :wink:

The fact that simulacrum is up all the time it is less hassle to deal with, and I’d say you get more consistent uptime on the mages because of it. You are now always spawning 4 and reservoir is always up for the big singularities. :wink:

What? “Simulacrum is up all the time” comes from Haunted Visions. And Haunted Visions stops Simulacrums from duplicating Mages. How are you always spawning 4?

No it doesn’t. Why do people keep saying that? Try playing it. It’s just worded funny.

Whoa. I did just jump in to find out, and yeah. It doesn’t. WTF.

That wording is awful.

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I 100% agree on this statement.

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