Really Enjoying DH This Season

I haven’t really played much DH lately. Last time I spent any real time was the Buriza ethereal season.
Impale strafe is great! I like it almost as much as the crit bombsader from the soul shard season. The one & done builds for whatever reason are more fun for me.
I started with guardian, zodiac, coe & echoing fury, ended up with Captains with Focus/restraint. At 1200 para the difference is 10k main stat vs 60 cooldown, etc from the sets. A t 1300 para this guy farms 119s as fast as my 3k inna monk from last season.
Anyways, having a great time & look forward to seeing how fast they can farm with some paragons under the belt.


I am also really enjoying the build. I was unsure whether to play DH or Necro until like two days before the season start and I believe I picked the right one because it is really fun.

I am at around 830 and already doing 113s in 3 minutes. That is crazy.

On the Guardian’s vs CC, I thought you would keep Guardian’s until around 1 800ish? I have a really nice ancient bracer so wouldn’t mind if that were the case.

I play both. They are fun in different way. I also have Wiz & Barb.

I might still do that. But I don’t get to play all that much so usually if I make a second character it isn’t really all that far in progression so it feels like a bit of a waste. So might keep Necro as my season 28.