Realistic Season 28 GR goals

I always set a goal for myself before a season as motivation to keep going and bring some more achievement into things and while I want them to be hard to reach I also need to be realistic.

So I was wondering, what would be realistic GR goals for this season for the necro builds if I am going to reach let’s say 2 000 paragon? I assume I will go higher with the theme but just using the previous 2 seasons’ paragon as a benchmark that is the minimum of what I should get to. Still figuring that goal out but currently thinking of 2 500.

Is it realistic to aim for 150 with that kind of level, assuming decent but not great skill level and average potion luck?

Specifically for Bone Spear since that is my favourite build but I also want to try Blood Nova and possibly even the LoD scythe one. I have seen footage of Trag’Oul nova doing 150 at less than that but I can’t remember if it was by using PTR level potion conduits or not.


Cool, thanks. I watched that one but couldn’t remember what was said (if anything) about the levels or what he did without the potion.

So 150 goal it is then I guess.

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800 paragon…

I have a goal about reaching 150 but tbh Im more afraid of that happening too soon…
So the season dies after that :open_mouth:

I tend to not play multiple builds in one season, like 2 if one is good enough for T16 and maybe a 3rd if there is one that is just way superior for XP than the best one for the class I am playing.

So if that really does happen this season I am definitely going to try a bunch of builds and even classes. Think it might be the only way to have longevity.

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My only goal is to complete the Journey. With a necro, I worry about the speed Conquests (of which there are two/four counting HC) so I will probably make a different character for them.

I might try to reach 1750 paragon. The best I’ve done before was 2000 during the follower season as I was trying different emanations.

Also, maybe try to reach GR130.

My goal this season is to endure until Season 29 PTR notes are released in hopes that my quest for all Crusaders will reap any rewards! I cannot fail all my beloved Crusader mains out there!


Goals for me usually are:

  • Do the season journey, which doesn’t take more than a few days, to unlock cosmetics
  • Clear a desired GR level. This changes every season depending on how strong the buffs are. With ethereals, being the strongest buff up to that point I aimed for GR140, whereas it would be impossible for me to clear with my low paragons at that time. This time GR150 is doable with a handful of builds and not crazy paragons. I am at GR 142 right now with frenzy, and will try Raekor and some other stuff for GR150 later on. GR150 is my main aim this season.
  • Farm, farm, farm and hopefully find some GG items to keep. I like finding primals that are usable and collect them in my chest and transfer them to non - seasonal when the season ends. I don’t mind if they are for builds that I am currently not playing. Of course augmenting with 125 gems my primal/ancient pieces
  • Reach a decent amount of paragons. Again, depending on how strong the season is and how many hours I am willing to spend. I reached 2k this season like it was nothing, cause we can farm very high GRs. I think when I stop playing I will be north of 3000.
  • Play more than one class, for diversity so I don’t get bored. Usually I main a barb or dh, and second something among Necro/WD/Crusader. This time I will create probably all 7 classes, considering how easy it is to power level yourself, and try different things.
  • If there is a double bounty buff, I do run a lot of bounties and aim for very hard to get pieces (band of might, krysbin, etc.). I usually create one build that I use solely for bounties and T16 to be as fast and efficient as possible. Then I alternate between my other heroes to do GR pushing and/or farming.
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