Re-roll all primaries on Primals?


Its not a lie.
Most things like uniques and rune words are BiS the moment you get them in D2.
The ones where the variance matters are few.
You cant compare that to a Primal from D3 with a wrong affix. If the affix is wrong, you’re better off playing with your current ancient.
In my specific example with the GoD Primal boots without all rez, I would lose a lot of resistances and gain nothing.

Enigma will be just as good with a crappy roll on the defense, as it will be with a perfect roll.

If you create a crappy Call to Arms, you can still use it yourself.
And yes, people on D2 pay a lot more for perfect gear, which makes regular gear that much more affordable.
I can get a low defense Shako for a Pul rather than an Um, Ist or higher.
I’d take the cheaper item any day, if the variance is irrelevant. The few points in defense are irrelevant. If you’re playing with a Shako, you most likely don’t get hit anyways.

I wasn’t talking about the base, I was talking about the affixes of the freaking rune word recipe. Obviously better base results in a better item, but the variance you’ll get upon creating the runeword is irrelevant.

You’re talking abouth Death’s Fathom for a Cold Blizzard Sorceress…
Sure, you’re right, I’ve never played D2. That’s why I recognize the item you’re talking about without you even mentioning the name.

And yes, it’s one of the few items, where the variance does matter. And? That’s not the vast majority of cases, it’s not the vast majority of your freaking item slots.

Are you using google translate or something?
Why the hell are my quotes translated into some gibberish or some non-English language on the US forum?!

I am not from people who are against, or condemn trading on D2, but is trading for real money all you care about when it comes to Diablo?!


Precisely! I’m glad one person managed to understand what I’m saying. Thank you!


15%ED MagePlate Enigma, 0 strength build. (with torch/anni) Yes please.

I’ve sold quite a few 15ED Mage Plates, even some sub 15%, they have been a good way to get some good high tier runes and gear.

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I dont share anything you say, I do not see any logic in your answers, I do not think that any player of medium-high level shares and agrees with what you say. But hey, we think differently, although being an old d2 player, what you say seems strange to me, so we have different perspectives, luck with the future primaries.

And hopefully d4 will once again be a itemhunt and that the fact of seeing something yellow, blue, gray, brown or green on the ground produces a tickle that causes nerves when it comes to picking it up and not like d3 if you sneeze 40,000 legendary come out of my nostrils.


yes my english is so bad and translator helped me. and i havent used the forum in years as you can see in my publication number and at the time of publishing i deleted what i wrote, i wrote it again, i pasted a part that i had copied since it was long and anyway … $#"¿&$ happens

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I’d hate to see what a bowel movement does.


I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m not gonna let you get away with that crap.
I am logical enough for a reasonable person to be able to understand what I am saying.

Diablo 2 is a game where you can kill and farm naked or with a MF character. There the difference in the rolls matter less by default when compared to D3… unless we’re talking value of the items in runes or real money, which you didn’t specify initially. I thought we were talking purely in terms of the power of the item itself.

Diablo 3 is in many ways a worse game than D2, but I understand it on a sufficient level to know how it works.
Take a… say a Darts Witch Doctor. He needs Dagger of Darts.
The first Primal Dagger of Darts I had had Int, Vita and some other crappy stat. I had to change the crappy stat to attack speed, but I could not change the vita to %damage. I was better off with a regular ancient.
The second one I got was Perfect, had % damage and attack speed. The difference was huge!

The same is true for items in D2 like Death’s Fathom. The difference in the Cold damage matters.

But what I am saying is, that when it comes to D2, the items where the variance matters are few… while in D3 it’s literally every single item, because they don’t come with predetermined affixes (maybe one or two, but not all).
And therefore, a primal can be useless in D3, while in D2 the item will be awesome the moment you put it on, even if it’s a crap roll… a lot of the time…

100% agreed.

I am left with the impression, that you think I am some D3 fanboy. I am not. I’ve criticized D3 more than most.

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If it were a doll in the game, the intestinal evacuation would multiply x2 the fall of legendaries : D

Old times…nice times … yes

Mp 15ed 15 dura 3 sox…gg


First of all tell you that i havent been offended by you and that i like these conversations

I understand you perfectly but you don’t understand me. The conclusion i want to reach is this:
Do you need 7ias + 10% damage? OK, perfect.

The first Dagger of Darts that you get save it or use it momentarily. The second keep it. Do a single day of bounties, with the 10k of materials that you got (i even think there will be more currently) you roll that item in cube until it comes out ancients with 7 ias + 10% or 7ias + 1sox or 10% + 1sox and that obviously the damage of gun be around 1300-1800. Mystic + rama will end ur work

The problem is over. Since you think the top ranks get the perfect primal items, they roll the same items 100-1000 times or more (apart from using bot)

Now imagine that you are on d2 and that weapon is ilvl 87 … first, luck if you find that item in ladder to be able to use it and second … put that its variables for example are = 1-2 sox or 10-20% poison damage or 20-40 all res (maybe with 20 you won’t get to max res or need that be 2sox or 20psn damage for use rainbow facet 5/5) where I want to go is that on d2 you don’t have the opportunity to find it 2 or 3 or 40 times to be able to modify it 100 times … or you find it one or two time or you find it never and must pay for it (pay alot of). And maybe if you drop it, it is not even good to be able to use it 100%

I have not thought or said that you are a fanboy

Awesome! Me too!

What you’re saying is, that I’ll get decent gear in days on D3, while in D2 it might take longer.
On some level it’s true, on some it’s not. It really depends.
Some items are hard to get decent trolls in D3. For example, decent focus and restraint rings. in 7k+ hours, the only ancient trifecta ones I’ve found are the ones I have equipped.
I am still trying to get a decent cold dmg amulet, I am playing with lightning right now.

In some ways, I would have geared myself faster on D2, especially if on battle net trough trading. D3 can be really annoying.

I don’t. Many of my items are rolled better than what people on the ladder have. I’ve been more lucky than most people.
I no longer compete though. My highest record on this game have been to be in top 100 as a Darts WD.

However, the moment I find 4 primals with the same name, and they are all crap is the moment I can be rightfully annoyed.

Not sure as to which specific item you’re talking about…
But yes, the ilvl 87 are harder to get, you’d have to run only the high lvl areas.
But you know what? Other people would be farming those areas too. Even if you never find the thing yourself, you can trade… and you can get it for in-game currency.

In D3 I can spend my life and not get what I want… no trading to compensate.

I prefer the D2 system with fewer drops, but ability to trade any day.


What I’m waiting for is to see how many legendaries get reworked in the balance patch…because if they do any, those primals of items changed (non set) will have to be scrapped and refound again :yum:

The real question is how much more power creep can we expect this “balance” change to bring?

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You could play LoD FoK with a quiver. But that’s beside the point. The point was that some item that you would think are only ever be useful for a build could potentially be used in an off meta build, and there is no reason to prevent that.

How ? In 7k hours ? I have 9k hours and probably got something like 10 pair of trifecta focus restraints ? Not that it matters but damn, I’m impressed by your lack of luck.

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No idea. It could be, that some of my hours were spent during Vanilla D3.
If we take a closer look, you have 8K+ Paragon, I have 3.7K, so I’ve definitely played less than you during RoS… as well as I only somewhat competed in the first several seasons.

After the current patch dropped, I’ve been playing only GoD DH and I scrapped a bunch of stuff that I had.
But when it comes to the bastions of will set, the one I am currently using is the only decent one I’ve ever found.

Then again, I’ve found some decent gear recently. I even have primal 1hand xbows in the stash. What I need is proper amulet with Cold dmg.

However, the part about getting 4 primal GoD boots with crappy stats, so that none of them was an upgrade… this is simply stupid system.
I can’t produce a single example of me playing D2 and getting the same item 4 times and all the rolls being unusable (unless we’re talking crafting rings and amulets, but that’s different and it would not be adequate to compare that to Primal drops).

i’m farming gear in T11 rifts;
-after 4 weeks, 100h, i got my first ancient DH GOD helmet;
-this helmet was twice as weak as the normal legendary i was wearing;
-not a single useful stat.
-i farmed 4 of the 6 GOD setpieces as ancient, within the first week, 30h.

…let’s start discussing this level/RNG algorithm also. :statue_of_liberty:

If anyone thinks D3 is too weak to hold their interest I would suggest that they try playing solo HC. A quick review of the leaderboards showed that currently Necromancer is the only class where a player has reached level 150 (with about 3.6K paragon points). I remember when I was happy to be able to complete T8 in D3 and frankly I like the game better now that I can clear much higher levels. I enjoy playing SC sometimes, but when I want to be challenged I go play HC. I enjoy both, but to me SC will always be the kiddie version of D3. However I sometimes need the kiddie version, especially after losing a character with two great primals.

I don’t see any players in solo HC with all primal items and I suspect the suggestion that HC players would lose interest and motivation in the game if they could re-roll primals is nonsense. If I could re-roll and get a perfect primal then I would continue playing and looking for better gear for my other 12 slots and I would be terrified every moment I was playing the character for fear of losing all my gear.

At a certain point it is about determining who Blizzard wants to make D3 attractive to. Do they only want to please people who have the time and willingness to play a computer game 8-10 hours a day, or would they like for people with jobs and families to also purchase and enjoy their product?

Except from crashing, HC can be played with 100% safety;
-It’s not possible to see wich players did that, so any prestige from it is invalid.

I don’t really have a problem with this, but also I have no problem with things staying as they are in terms of re-rolls etc.

This feeling could be fixed by what the game needs in my opinion, primals giving more than just 15 souls. It is like they are saying nice you got a really rare drop but actually you just got like 5-6 minutes worth of GR drops. Give us something more, souls and other mats or something. Then even a primal you won’t use will be useful.

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I’m not sure prestige is something D3 can meaningfully provide. I don’t play this game to impress people I don’t know and never will know. I sometimes play it for fun and I sometimes play it just because there is a pandemic and I am bored. Any computer game can be played with 100% safety unless your computer blows up or your house burns down. D3 is a game. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. If a player is bored with SC because it is too easy to win, maybe they should try HC where winning is more difficult. If a player is unwilling to play HC because it is hard to win, I cannot understand why they complain that SC is too easy to win and not challenging enough for them.

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Oh man don’t get me started on F&R!
I’ve had entire seasons where I get tons of focus but no restraint, regardless of how badly rolled. I have bagged a season because I never got a skull grasp and couldn’t progress, back when WW build used it and wotw was brand new.

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Wel I got my first ever primal travelers drop. Gave it to a buddy with me as I had a decent ancient and figured I wouldn’t ever find a primal compass…I just did with int/crit/crit :neutral_face: