Rathma AotD GR 135+

Hi peeps. Running an AotD build this season and looking to make a few changes to get me to 150. 140 is being unkind (but I’ll get it with better maps).

I think I’m looking for ideas to get my AotD out faster. Right now I estimate it is a 5-7 sec. delay. I believe if I can shorten that up a little it will have huge impacts on my times. Pretty sure damage I’m set. I routinely see Quatrillions. And I’ve finally gotten used to the squishy play.

Sheet info:
Damage: 3.2k
Speed 1.63
CDR 39.x
CHC/CD: 50 / 501

Gear: Rathma, Guardian, Jessie, Squirts, Krysbin, COE, Fate in the head slot. Blood Siphon, C’lena, and RoRG in the cube.

Gems: Zies, Esoteric, and Bane of the Trapped. At these GR’s I’m starting to question Zies over Stricken or maybe even Gogok for the CDR.

I’ve contemplated the switch from guardians to captians. But this dude is exceptionally squishy Especially with the Squirts. No room for Tasker at all.

What can I do to get that bomb out a bit quicker?

Can you not see the leaderboards? Just look at what top players are running and try that. It’s not complicated.

Hi there, my message comes a little late but i hope that i can share my experience on this for you or anyone else.

Rathma is to my surprise pretty strong, even with the paragon cap and can clear the highest content.
At low paragon, the guardian wins by a lot, not only because of the added toughness, but even the damage seems to be better. Well, if you can´t survive, you obviously can´t do damage.
The key ist not the cooldown thb, ideally you want to make one burn before your physical cycle for an oculus, and then you want to hit in your coe cycle in a large dense pack.
Stricken is not necessary, this build is pretty good against the RG, as long as you have double damage and not a RG with adds.
