Rather than shelve D3, monetize it in small ways

I still like Diablo 3 better than any game put out by Blizzsoft. I wish they would consider minor monetization schemes that would not affect gameplay except as convenience upgrades.

Suggestions to allow for purchase:

  1. Inventory tabs
  2. Character slots
  3. I would also pay for them to add a one-page additional inventory tab accessed by only one character. It would be a private tab for just that character and every character would have one. You could transfer out to common tabs, but not access the other characters private individual tabs. It would make separating your builds much easier.
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I’m all for paying for more characterslots. Take my money!

But I think more stashtabs is impossible. Blizzard said it.


I have 17 character slots…

I have never used all of the slots nor all of the stash tabs. I would never pay for that.

Ready to pay for offline PC edition D3 (i.e. with infinite stash and characters)


I’d pay 500€ for it.

You are super bad with money.

Yes. Considering I can barely afford food, but somehow bought a 4080. shrug

I’m going full Hillary Clinton on this one.

“What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”

It would require some creativity and thus coding, testing-> time → costs money.

They could replace a bunch of shared stash tabs for personal / craracter specific tabs. As each character has a few of it own, you’d have more stash space in total while in any game the max accessible amount rdmains what it is now.

Alternatively or in combination with the above, they could allow for more tabs which would be accessible in a solo game only. (4 players, each max 13 tabs = 52 tabs max any game allows, in total). So, theoretically, a solo game could allow for 52 tabs…

Combined with personal / character bound tabs, we could have all the tabs we could possibly need and still meeting the game’s technical boundaries…

And yes, I would pay for that. However, no matter what they would sell for D3 (2nd expansion I’d buy too) it would be mere change compared to D4 mtx… And therefore not enough profit. Profit requirements are just crazy now…

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Even.just ectra character slots would be good.