Rascal - 5/8 #1 rank

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


He definitely doesn’t bot. He just can’t stop playing :slight_smile:

I also think it’s impressive that he is going for rank 1 in every class especially with thousands of other players going against him with similar paragon levels. Poor guy barely gets any sleep because there is just WAY too much competition in season 21 2012 diablo 3

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In which case he’s account sharing.

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Lol, look at the post count. Rascal made his first post, and the other guy defending him just made his second.

Move along; nothing to see here.

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In other notable feats, Wudi just hit world #1 with his DH 150 clear. Dude is a beast.

Sorry? Wut?

Anyway, we don’t care about botter’s leaderboard. Cuz their talent are not as good as legit players, actually not even close. Remember some of them are just afk. (like: quin69, alk)

Sorry, but is it illegal now to have a super human body and not require sleep/food/rest??

No, but I’m still telling the government.

That would be BrotherChris3000™ model, I presume?


Wouldn’t that be hilarious, if it was the…same…individual? I’m not allowed to name names. Let’s call him…Tabbynator :stuck_out_tongue:

And…he’s gone. :rofl:

(Banwave today)

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What’s the tally in this thread? Who called it?



Winner, winner, banwave dinner!


Just hope the “nerf now” crew are able to find a new beacon of light to prove their OP claims. :man_facepalming:t3:

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