Rank 1 S23 GoD6 clear video. GR 123 in 11 min. Thoughts

Video below. The rank 1 was actually GR 120 at the time, but decided to stop at GR 123. Chose 2hxbow as my weapon of choice this time around. I’ve done a lot of GR’s, both NS and current season with the new patch. Here’s some personal thoughts:

  • Build still wrecks in solo speeds (obv). Group speeds is “ok”, but suffers if there’s pulls are too big. A zwiz (or zbarb, but preferrably zwiz) can alleviate this a bit due to pixel capabilities. Playing with both a zwiz and a zdh is best with GoD6.

  • Still feels pretty bad in density. The +1 pierce buff on live patch is noted, but the way the build plays causes a bit of confusion when met with a high dense situation, which is suppose to be the best situations. Talking with DMKT, he phrased it best: “Feels like there’s no way to improve your rift”.

  • Illusionist is now the worst affix to encounter. It was pretty bad before, but with the pierce cap, you pretty much have to skip it. As crazy as this sounds, I’d prefer to fight waller and jugs over illusionist. It’s that bad. Missile dampening is bad as well.

  • Ess of Johan is rather meh due to the linear scaling of AD with this build versus cubic scaling of last patch. This forces a squirts/flavor combo, which is good, but now there’s even more reliance on pylons than before. Power/shield/Conduit are almost necessary to make any attempts to pass a hard wall, just to get to the RG. It’s strange to say that while the build will technically achieve more consistent results, it’s pretty much just as fishy as it was in the previous patch at the high end. We have more negative affixes to deal with than we did previously, making mob type even more important, relative to last patch.

Overall, it’s not really a fun build to push with, but it’s a lot of fun speed farming with the follower changes. Nerfing the build for internal balance reasons is one thing, but to suck the fun out of it at the same time feels like a double whammy. I’m looking forward to messing with UE for seasons, but I think I’m mostly done with GoD6 at the high end.

Just feels bleh, and I really spent many hours playing with the new GoD6 before ultimately resulting to this feeling, hoping something may rise from the ashes to restore some fun. The journey itself is fun, but you don’t have much to look forward to with all of the things you collected to work towards your goal.

Bonus video:


Impressive clear, well done!

There are several things to focus on, I think.

  • First of all (obviously), you’re not dual-wielding. Maybe I will try this later, but for now I’ve found an ancient Dawn with 65% and a primal Ballista. And I think it require a lot of practice to adapt to the new speed. So it won’t do anything good for me, probably.
  • You’re using Shadow Power and Boar instead of Smokescreen/Preparation like “everyone else”. I like that, because that’s also my preferrred setting. Nice to see, that this choice of skills is also capable of high clears. Thank you for that!
  • Next one is Zeis. I tried it for a few runs in NS after the patch, and it worked quite well for me, too. In Season, I use BotT together with Thrill of the Hunt for now, as I think it helps me keeping the Squirtts buff.

Regarding “fun”: As a more casual player, I actually like the changes to GoD (in some way, at least). Of course, Illusionists are a pain now (just as you wrote), but I have most fun in the game when I can “kill everything”. I don’t like to skip monsters, just because they’re alone and I can’t apply AD to them. I also like the fact that BotS is not “mandatory” any more, even for clears near the personal maximum like it was before.

Sure, this impression is deceiving due to the 100% buff through squirts at the boss now, but overall I do like the ability to kill elites by myself, and not by packing it into a huge pile of trash mobs.

But I do agree with you, that the build is now even more reliant to Pylons. With 3 “power pylons” the clearing speed heavily depends on whether you get Power/Shield/Conduit or only Speed/Channeling. My first attemt for GR114 was a nightmare in that sense: Aranea map with spear throwers, and no pylon at all up to 50% of the GR ( I skipped it after that). Probably I did it wrong, so the algorithm for placing Pylons fooled me. But yeah, Pylons are the main factor for success/fail in GR now, even more than before, I think.

Anyway, congratulations for #1, and thanks for sharing the video. :bow_and_arrow:


This and RGs with adds are :poop:.


WTG DiEoxidE . So far I have cleared 125 non season . Haven’t tried to push too hard yet as I haven’t had the build long and have been working with getting it optimized . I really like this build for speed farming and leveling in tier’s 110 to 115 GR’s . But I could feel the difference at tier 125 . Was starting to get tougher to kill . Surviving’s not an issue , but with that stinkin’ nerf I can tell like you , that it’s not gonna be so good for pushing too far . I think it sucks and still don’t understand the reasoning for nerfing it down as it was in the right spot and was not overpowered by any means . Really sucks that they had to go and ruin a really fun build like this . I think that they should have increased the set damage bonus more then the measly 15,000 .

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Ty. The thing I always liked about GoD6 is that there are many different combos that can work well. Just like with everything, once you see a few LB clears at the high end, people will copy that and then it just trickles down, often times ignoring other possibilities. This is understandable with DW though, because it’s much easier to get decent one handers than it is to get a decent quiver.

If I had a nickle for every time I was asked “why manticore?” on my stream the past two days, haha. But it’s telling because no one asked why I was using a “2hxbow” but specifically the manticore as if there was some sort of hidden mechanic :slight_smile:

I’m also one that tends to hate skipping elites and don’t mind killing what I can on the way. I also like the fact that it’s a bit easier to kill elites in isolated situations, but the issue goes back to DMKT’s point.

Unlike builds that thrive in density in which all you have to do is gather more mobs, there’s no consistent and meaningful way to get elites into isolation for progress. Builds like Impale can just focus just the elites pretty much whenever you want. GoD6’s pierce directions are random and thus you can’t efficiently play it like that either. Killing trash is harder than before, thus you have no real way to get to the builds advantages without pylons. This is what sorta kills the fun for me because it does not feel like you have much control over the rift, even with good decision making. You just hope for good pylons and pray you don’t get wallers, illusionists, shielding, jugs, arcane, electrified, mobs with big footprints, etc.

The buff to the 6pc and follower changes does bump up your consistent high GR clears quite a bit. N6/M4 cold cluster was good for this as well, but IMO the difference is N6/M4 was slow moving, but hard hitting (at the time). You sorta were expected to crawl through the map, leap frogging sentries along the way. GoD6 is super mobile, but doesn’t hit with umph per attack, thus giving off a different impression, one more like be everywhere at once, attacking from multiple angles and dodge effortlessly, along with picking and choosing your battles. Problem is, you’re no longer rewarded for playing the set like the mechanics would suggest. It used to be extra pierces which felt nice, but now you get nothing outside of linear AD scaling in a very small area.

I agree that a cap was definitely needed, but such a low pierce cap removes the reward factor completely, and thus the fun factor and control to possibly improve your rift situations.

Pretty much :frowning:

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They should have made Bolas/Grenade the trash clearing king. Then you could swap to Hungering Arrow to finish the elite or Guardian.

  • 40,000% GoD6 bonus
  • 3-pierce cap and 250% damage on Ninth Cirri, each pierce reduces the cooldown of Vengeance by 1 second.

No more Dawn for HA combo builds, complete weapon freedom.


Ok, I couldn’t resist. I actually do have a good quiver in Season (15%ias, 9%chc, 600% HA) and a nice Bruiza (2 pierce, of course, you know, for more pierces :sweat_smile:).

It’s working quite nice. 116 down on 1st attempt in 9:54, no power pylon, no open map. :bow_and_arrow:

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I like this, a lot

I watched your speed 105 video earlier. With how well you dodge things and the “kill as you go” style of play, thus less overall danger, sorta wondered if you really needed to run fortress. Could probably build up a decent amount of stacks often with an Etrayu or a 2hxbow. Just a thought.


Just watched it in my break now.

Good clear!

0 bulshid…i only found a single ancient/primal 1hander for now, a calamity primal. The least you want.
With only one 1hander i dont see a reason to store my yangs, for obvious reasons. The dawn as must have is disgusting, still. 50%def/off is sadly too good to skip. If only marked for death would be better and calamity working…

I dont know how far i can go now, with much more mainstat, but my guess and goal for now is 120.

I am playing with Zeis, BotT and Gen-Gem as my usual setup and it feels good.

I hate to level taeguk, cause only channeling skills profit from it, i never liked the revamp for it.

What i would like to know is, how high does a bane of the trapped has to be to be able to compete with a taeguk maxed,100 right?!
If he can compete at all…i don’t know to be honest, why everyone likes to run it in this build.

Trapped suffers from uptime. Even with a follower, getting near perma slow on all mobs is a chore. You can alleviate this somewhat by simply strafing through mobs, but there are times where that’s just not possible the higher you go.

If one assumes perma uptime for trapped, then both gems are practically equal due to Taeguk’s additive damage nature, but Taeguk provides defense as well, which is sorely needed with this build. This is why Taeguk and Simplicity strength gems outside of oddy setups are always picked, with the 3rd gem being either trapped or zei’s.


Rank 75 in S22. Thats page 10, not bad kekw.

If you want proof for this, here is a video for that

For context: GR121 is currently near my limit, which I can clear in most cases. Haven’t tried GR122 yet, I think that 122/123 should be possible without much fishing now.

  • 1:12​ - Conduit (4 yellow packs)
  • 2:48​ - Shield (2 yellow packs)
  • 3:36​ - Power (Shield still active, 1 more yellow pack)
  • 4:05​ - Channeling (Power and Shield still active, 2 more yellow packs)
  • 5:50​ - RG appears
  • 6:38​ - GR 121 done in 6:31

I originally wanted to do some test runs to decide whether my DW setup (2x primal, 2xAD, 1xIAS, 1xCDR) or my Buriza setup (10% damage, 1xAD, 1xCDR, 8%chc, 15%ias, 600%HA) works better for me. Turns out so far: It’s a close call. I really don’t know. Sometimes DW feels stronger, sometimes Buriza. (I know that the legendary effect doesn’t apply to HA)


I don’t have a video, but I’ve currently completed a 125.

I’m running a primal Buriza and have something like 1320 paragon. Up until 126 I would farm around 20 keys and fish for an open map, usually I got at least one but occasionally it would take closer to 40 keys. But most would be completed on the first or second try.

But 126, I’ve hit a wall. In order to complete the 126 not only am I looking for the right map, but the right mobs, and right pylon along with good placement. (I’m not super good at bringing mobs to pylons unless they’re really close to it.) That takes more fishing than I’m willing to put in.

Now, I was playing a completely ssf season, so my gear isn’t super great and I’m missing 4 ancient pieces: Rings, Amulet, and Quiver. So I wouldn’t say my gear is top notch.

Added information: I started out using the Scoundrel but after completing 123, I switched the enchantress. I also replaced Diamonds in my gear with Emeralds and squeezed two more GR’s out of it. I also used Elusive over CoE.

At any rate, I’ve quit the season and went back to non season but I made it into the top 30 on America’s server, so I’m proud of that.


Yeah, GoD is fishy as hell now and that sucks!


125 is quite nice in season, congratulations!

That’s the primal I haven’t found so far. :bow_and_arrow:

I cleared GR 123 now with 3 different setups - DW (Primal Dawn/Ballista), Primal Etrayu, Ancient Buriza (but pretty nice rolls). Not sure whether I should switch to BotT instead of Zeis later.

But I think I will keep going with DW for a while now. I found a new pair of “Primary-Primal” gloves, i.e. just ancient, but 50%chd, 10%chc, 8%CDR, 20%AD (rolled). With that, I could roll 1xAD on my DW setup to Elite Damage. This seems to work pretty good for me. :smiley:

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This is what more builds should allow in terms of gear flexibility.

Ya it’s nuts. Congrats on the 125! I stopped at 130 in an attempt to regain rank 1, but was short by 18 seconds. It doesn’t help that I was already 1200 paragon behind him when I tried lol.

Currently the top end are over double my paragon, so that’s generally when I call it quits for semi-serious pushing :slight_smile: I’ll also be streaming a new game for a while so no more D3 for about a month, much like last season.

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Grats on the clear.

Your overview of the build for the season is spot on. I’m finding it lacklustre and lacking power. Hit a wall at 115 without augmented gear or higher-powered legendary gems gained from 4-man clears. The dungeons are now, more situational than ever.

I wasn’t sure if it was only me that was getting fed up with the Illusionists. But it seems others have the same issue. So now I avoid Spinners, Bubblers, Illusionists, Juggernauts and Laser/Wallers as well as Burrowers, Fire Mages , Constructs, Shielders, Impalers and anything else than runs away when I shoot at it.

At least the GoD DH got my Season’s Journey done in 2 days. Obviously it’s only role going forward will be as a farmer. Doesn’t leave a lot to get excited about for the future of this build.