Ramaladni's - where are they?

I got them all :smile: JK. I would share them with you but I only play Ssf so far this season. :wink:

849 now. Fully completed the Season (3 Conquests done etc…).
Have 3 characters at 70 with 10 sets and a LoD build.
Have 115 keys from all the rift farming, 23 Crucibles, 5 screams (i’ve used maybe 20 crucibles and 5 screams).

I’ve got 2 primals equipped, a couple in the stash, a crafted primal and over 100 ash in the chest. I.e., i’ve had 7+ primals drop for me so far, and not one… single… gift.

I usually have 15+ by this point. It’s ridiculous. My altar is essentially bricked.

This isn’t RNG, it’s broken.

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The crazy thing about Law of Large Numbers, is that if you take a literal “fair flip” where you have LEGIT controlled for EVERY single relevant possible variable, so that the coin toss is LITERALLY actually 50/50 odds with ZERO margin of error or room for bias or interference… you can still land on heads, several hundred MILLION TIMES IN A ROW.

ALL that would mean… is that somewhere, at SOME POINT… you’d have an equal amount of tails and heads results by the end of the heat death of the universe.

LITERALLY, a statistical outlier, or even straight up anomaly, is still a statistic.

Or, to put it another way:

“It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life.” ~ Captain Picard

Might could be the system’s bugged, or might could be YOU’RE bugged. Like the exact count of licks to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop, the world may never know.

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Yeah, I get it. It feels like I’m bugged. I’ve done all my screams now, i’ve got 4 legendary gems in the mid 80s, and i’ve got 4 equipped primal/sanctified with level 125 gems applied. I’m farming GR95s in 60-90seconds.

For me to not have one at almost 900 paragon now, it seems like it’s just bugged.

Are you familiar with Moser’s Circle? If you aren’t, here’s a very “cliff notes” style illustration via Youtube Short:

Humans love seeing patterns where either A.) none exist, or perhaps even more nefariously, B.) other answers might co-exist and might even be more correct than the one we’re fixating on, but we opt to ignore or downplay them.

To wit, Occam’s Razor suggests you are literally nothing special (don’t take that the wrong way, I only mean statistically regarding RNG drops in this specific video game). Therefore, you most likely aren’t bugged, the system most likely isn’t bugged, and it’s just random chance.

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Blizzard said a long time ago that generally speaking you should get at least 1 gift by the time you hit 400 paragon and then at least 1 more for every time you surpass that amount of additional experience, which is something like 580 > 710 > 810 > 890 …

I’m not exactly sure the values, but it goes up slowly, and of course it’s not guaranteed, but given the drop rate and Blizzard information everyone “should” have at least 3-4 by P800. Having 0 whilst others are at 30+ doesn’t feel like just being unlucky.

I’ve known of people to be down on their luck at the start of the season, and they are usually 700-800 before they get their first, but that’s usually after having someone boost them through GR100+ to power level, and often they get multiples in a single GR when grouped up with me.

I’ve been playing pretty much every day for a week now… I’ve done ancient puzzles rings (i’ve forgotten how many times), with a clan member too, multiple screams, and he’s not had any drop while in group with me either.

Granted there’s probably nothing bugged, RNG is RNG, but I’ve never heard of someone getting to 900 paragon and not seeing a single one. It just doesn’t feel right.

Can you source this?

I’m not trying to be a jerk on this. I just… I hear a lot of things, you know? Literally earlier today, at work, in person, there was a lady getting coffee who was legitimately and un-ironically convinced the Mossad were secretly targeting her because she was teaching pro-Palestinian courses before she became homeless.

99.99% sure she was merely suffering from mental health crisis, though she WAS seemingly living out of her car. I’m mentioning this because I don’t take anyone’s word for beans unless I can verify the source somehow.

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I would just google it personally lol.

I believe it was one of their videos from the mid-teen seasons (like 16-18 ish). So quite some time ago.

Either way, when it’s part of the Altar progression, there should be some kind of bad luck protection, so that if you haven’t had one drop by the time you reach a certain paragon level or GR level, that 1 is guaranteed to drop or something.

No changes now though, so i’m SOL.

I don’t suppose you’d give me at least a modicum of credit? :roll_eyes:

All I found from cursory Google prior to me making that reply, was stuff from 2022 talking about how Ramalamadingdong’s are “arguably the rarest legendary drop in the game.”

Gonna be honest with you, IF this game were to be made offline + mod capable (legally speaking on both fronts), I wouldn’t mind options to make that happen.

As-is though? On live? PC especially? I’m okay with RNG being RNG. If I wanted to start with perfect gear I’d play Skyrim, I mod the hell out of that to get exactly where I want to be. With D3? I’m okay with the chase.

And again, Picard’s line about sometimes losing even when you play optimally, or some such.

Finally got one just before hitting 900 (896 paragon).

Now I just need some more to put on my weapons…

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After you get your first one, more will come on a regular basis :laughing: :nerd_face:

Gratz! Nice to know your acct wasn’t bugged.
RNG = RNG and RNG is an evil :poop:.

I’m at 949 paragon, got one at 880, nothing since.


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It’s the rule for this game. Complain on forum and ye shall receive.

Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a primal in like 5 or 6 days now - lol

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I kinda like the cheesey quests too but some are really really good.

That would be low quality posting
complaining about RNG, without anything of value to say.

But here the Tips: you get closer and closer to Average RNG if you play more and faster.
I think i have an average of one ramaldini per two hours of playing and im not that fast, i didnt do vision portals much, mostly GR and NR.

you should just go and grind visions of enmity, they drop the highest amount of items per time spent farming. There is a very high chance you will get one or more ramaldini per hour.
Thats common knowledge

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Every season, I really enjoy the ramalama debate.

The first week, there are threads complaining:
they don’t drop at all
the drop rate is too low
there needs to be a pity timer

The second week to the end of the season, there are threads complaining:
the drop rate is too high
have too many of them and just leave on the ground
need another use for them like adding sockets to jewelry


Like i haven’t, in fact i have done nothing else, farming visions and Gr’s . Drops increased however beyond 1000 paragon, got 1 before 1 k and 3 after.

Dropped 4 primals so far today… two of which are weapons I can use on my builds!

Complaining on forums is the solution when not dropping something :rofl: