Raekor and Weapon Throw rework feedback

I just made a new spec. its R6 with f/r, hellfire, cassius and mess reaver. Did a 131 smooth as butter. If the boss fight didn’t take 5 minutes it would have been an amazing clear time, lmao.

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just rolled my gear correctly now and did some 150 trys
edit:150 cleared recorded end and bossfight will upload later

good job! although they def. won’t be buffing the set now lol. like when dark potatoes messed everything up with rend.

i mean i think the build is actually plenty fine currently maybe some quality of life changes but dmg wise it is in an ok spot

can you do me a favor and take out like 10k worth of paragon and try 150 again

i think 5k raekor is ~145-148 fish on the new maps since the rift is actually not an issue with fields+condi giving free 60% progress in a few min if you get it

Could you give us a D3planner link of your setup?

Thx in advance!

i dont seem to be able to post links is there any way to do that?

Put in the link text, highlight it, then click the </> button at the top. That’ll make it cut-and-pasteable.

Like this: https://maxroll.gg/

https://d3.maxroll.gg/d3planner/593074674 d3 for build
Edit:just lowered paragon to 5k can still kill trash on 150 seems like giga fish though since need to kill 40% trash in 5-6 min then get fields with condi for rest 60% so you could have 5 min for boss and power (maybe need a bit more but should be possible to get in insane floor like 100% transformer fields with power condi)


After some more testing at several paragon points the dr feels very lackluster on low paragon/no apd with density (if you have a dream rift even at 3-4k 150 is survivable if no very bad elite affixes).
So currently it doesnt seem viable for content where mobs die fast unless you stack all possible toughness buffs.
Funnily enough the 4p seems a lot better on low paragon compared to my push in 150 on all my para

Yeah, that’s an interesting setup. It does get creative juices flowing though.

After a bit further testing had 75% at 5:30 on 5k paragon (phase beast fields killed like 30% trash got condi with 7 elites) turns out 4p is kinda carrying dmg at 5k was never low on my full paragon run in the rift itself.
Not rly that much of a fun experience though being at 5-30% most of the time being while being kept alive by relentless and apds

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2 pieces effect is just laughable.
“Furious Charge refunds a charge if it hits only 1 enemy.” - that’s not even serious. Sounds like “you get a little bit of nothing if you use nothing very carefully for nothing”. That’s WACK. That’s a slap in the player’s face.

Also I don’t like the very core mechanics. Because we must constantly go butting enemies with head but this does not really deal damage! Remember any beast with horns or Juggernaut the mutant - they all ram enemies because this deals the very damage. They don’t do it just to raise battle morale. So I REALLY advice to reverse the interdependence in set mechanics.

This is what I advice instead:
2 pieces:
Bring part of 4 pieces effect here:
“Furious Charge gains the effect of every rune” AND it gets faster cooldown (no matter whom you strike). May be it also casts Sprint (which is so useless forgotten ability that it can only be added to smth else)
Now can feel the gameplay change. And no, this is not too much. For comparison Firebird has 2 pieces effect of 3000% damage per second and resurrection.
4 pieces:
Hero gets some % increased armor and resistance
(4 pieces effect must have some damage reduction, and no need any loosing life shi here, it’s wack)
Ancient Spear gets some % damage
6 pieces:
Hitting enemies with Ancient Spear increases the damage of your next Furious Charge by some %. This effect stacks and is consumed from each released spear. This can only consume a maximum of 5 stacks at a time.
Ancient Spear releases multiple spears from its target. Runes are switched automatically one by one.

This way Ancient Spear does deal damage but not the main one. It’s more about looking cool and getting stacks, also enough for T16 farming. But the main damage dealer will be the head-butting which you make not so often but more resultative.

Also some Ancient Spear power must be put from the set into bracers or weapons so Earth set could also use this ability effectively.

Also I have to point out that we STILL have 2 abilities uninvolved in any set: Overpower and Revenge. I really think Raekor set could the right place to use them as well in the future because all other sets are heavily theme tied and already have all attacks they needed.

Thanks for doing such thorough testing. It’s rare we get such a high paragon player to run good testing, let alone redo the tests at lower paragon levels.

I do wonder how we should adjust our power expectations based on the new GR adjustments. After all, every build is going to gain a few tiers of power due to the addition of Fields of Misery and Orek’s Dream. So, if Rend can do 150 @10k paragon now, it’ll probably do it at 7k or 8k post-patch.

In fact, it seems quite possible, if the patch goes live as-is, that every Barb set will be able to clear 150, around the 10k paragon mark. Of course, other classes will also see significant buffs in their clear potential.

My gut says that Raekor is currently still maybe a little weaker than Rend and LoD HOTA, probably about equal to IK HOTA, and a little stronger than Leapquake or Frenzy.

The set can probably be buffed the rest of the way it needs by increasing the “5 or less targets” buff on Skular’s, to make boss fights less painful, and by adding some built-in mitigation. That would be especially helpful if it could scale up with missing life, which would allow us to make better use of the 4-piece missing life damage.

I’m going to wait a couple more days to see what other feedback comes in, then write some sort of roundup/analysis of the whole shebang.


Yeah the new rift layout espically fields of misery will boost every build by quite a bit, since in theory you have a consistent 40% conduit on it (7 elites base +1 from condi itself) that doesnt even require that long to setup.As well as Oreks dream making it possible to skip all elites other than those 8 on fields with a condi on builds that lack single target dmg and have ok mobility.

Raekor might be even stronger than it currently seems if you use 4p consistently at high paragon ,as well as more knowledge about bossfight,boulderspread mechanics and possible spots to abuse wallcharges.

I agree though that the build will rly need toughness for most of the playerbase to be interesting, if they really wanna buff it more they could also think about improving boulder ai against low density situations to have it not spread out that far anymore (would also help with bossfight a lot since many people i talked to were complaining about that, i mean its ok right now compared to some other builds i played currently like bs taking 7-8 min on boss if no pylons but not good either).

This would be good.

Too true, the low paragon player would much appreciate this.

Yeah thanks for helping so much! Can you do me a solid & try my R6 build? Its a few spots under yours lol.

I ran 9 GR’s at 110 with Weapon Throw/BT and did not clear. I had one really good rift with over 3 minutes to kill the guardian, but didn’t. This setup doesn’t do anything particularly well, it has no niche. As Rage mentioned, the only thing that will make this setup competitive is increasing WT damage (the damage that BT does is also lackluster). :pensive:

There’s been considerable in-depth discussion and test results with the R6 build over on the Barb forum, but I’d like to ask the testers and math heads if there’s any current consensus about what the build needs. I’m particularly interested in the experiences of lower-Paragon players (2-4K).

As we all know, there’s hardly ever any substantive PTR feedback from devs or CMs, but its still important to report the latest findings.