Quick minor Corpse Explosion change

Change one of the CE runes to:
:Your own body explodes dealing XX damage in a radius around you, can be cast while moving. Costs XX Health.

Unless your going to significantly buff Inarius damage so that the bone storm actually does worthwhile damage, you need to add a skill specifically useful for fast AOE melee range damage.
Since u seem to be buffing CE, why not add in a change of mechanic so it can be used in conjunction with Inarius to greater effect.
Added bonus being that it wont require enemies corpses to be present already, making it constantly available to do damage, not relying on LoTD for corpses.
At the cost ofc of self damage.

A Auramancer Inarius build with CE with the above rune would effectively create the Necro equivalent of a WW barb, Explosive Blast Mage, Tempest rush monk, etc.

Not that your listening Blizz :stuck_out_tongue:

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Now that D3 is in maintenance mode, the odds of them creating the new animations to make something like this happen are super low. As it is, they are already significantly boosting the existing CE build that Inarius can use, which MAY be enough to make it semi-viable. They are also potentially giving the Inarius Grim Scythe build a large boost damage-wise as well, with the change to Haunted Visions. Three scythes are better than one, after all. If you want explosions without corpses, there is always Death Nova.

Thats the thing, they wouldnt need new animations.

The regular explosion effect of a corpse would just go of on top of u.

As for death nova, yes that would work also but the idea behind the change was to allow casting of an AOE ability usable within the Inarius Bonestorm AOE range without having to stop to cast. And since CE is such a under utilized spell, that most people actually really enjoy but just cant use it because its trash atm and almost always outclassed by Corpse Lance, it makes sense to use it over Death Nova.

Whats the difference of this and Nova?
Also, it completely changes how CE works.

The difference ?
Its CE not Nova …damage numbers …legendary interactions, visual impact. etc.

It only changes when u can use CE.
Normal CE requires enemies corpses, so if u dont kill stuff u cant sue CE. And the intent here is to have CE a primary damage dealing skill.
This rune allows u to use ur own body. thus allowing u to use CE all the time.

Look for sure there are better ways to do this, but this is the ‘easy’ way. D3 is in maintenance mode now, the team is small, so suggestions have to take that into consideration. Thus this idea adds no additional animation, no complex code. Just make the corpse explosion effect happen on the character.

The more complex way would be to add in a feature in the rune that allows u to instantly spawn X number of corpses each time u use the skill so that they instantly explode around you.

So maybe call it
Corpse Explosion : Rapid Exhumation
Each use of corpse explosion exhumes X corpses around you before exploding. Can cast while moving.

Same effect but more difficult to make as u have to code in the spawning of corpses around the character in a certain radius and have them then explode all within the global CD time of CE and within a single skill use.

I see your point!

Though, thematically, I’d add health dmg on this.
Conceptually this is awesome in so many levels!

Nova requires Essence, Corpse Explosion require corpses.

If the corpses can be grabbed in a large radius (60 yards), I find the idea appealing.

Corpse explosion has one disadvantage, you are forced to target a corpse… In battle it is sometimes very gard to aim. If corpses could be grabbed automatically like Devour does, that could be a great feature.

The Close Quarters rune for Corpse Explosion always targets at your feet, which makes it handy like that, especially with its enhanced damage. I could see possibly turning another rune into one that pulls corpses to your target location within some range, and then blowing those up. Whatever the one is that costs life, where the corpses currently get flung at targets and often miss moving ones would be a good candidate for that, in my view.

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