Question- What happened since then?

But I’m here so I got to LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the game. Meanwhile D3 isn’t even installed, and D4 has been uninstalled 3-4 times with patch notes.

Keep huffing on that copium.

Some people just enjoy coming to places like this. I also could be going to WoW too XD Talk about them fly hacking bots under the ground in open world.


OF course not. I fail to see how it’s a good use of time to spend it on a forum for a game you hate though.

To point out people like you and make the fall hurt that much more.

Earned it.

What fall? You have yet to make any objective statement. Your subjective opinions means nothing to anyone but you.

1.8 on metacritic?

Do you even use the brain to think of the possible fall I could be talking about?

Oh wait no that takes to much. Everything needs explained in plain black and white. I get it.

Oh, you’re on about D4. As I already said, I don’t play it, I won’t play it, and I really couldn’t care less. Actiblizz has more than enough money that it won’t break them either way.

I was talking about blizzard in general. D3 isn’t alive either. D2 would arguably be the most populated.

Hard to tell the real players from bots though in that game.

Given that I can play it that statement is factually incorrect.

I mean you can look at the leaderboards bro.

And how is that relevant? Other players have zero impact on me playing the game.


Imagine Avalon loving it.

You kids are a joke. Bye.

Karen is looking for attention, let her go.


Yeah, the enjoyment factor is dwindling, no new material to work with.

Were almost reaching 10k posts brother. Just like Beefhammer.

Be back when I feel like it :slight_smile:

Make sure you bring a box of tissues with you for all that crying. :sob:


This dude is living in a dream world or more like his own personal nightmare!


20 characters

Sorry for late awnser.
Had no interest after D4 Disaster ( but got money back, yay)

People hated d3 for a reasen. Drops like winning in a lottery, than we doupled it guy, than inferno bosss rage mode…Most people played glass cannons and died trough the game…
akt2 Inferno was a wall not many players did go through it.
I have the inferno archivements because i wanted them, but it was no fun at all…

Diablo 3 was a very very VERY bad game at start.
Well. D4 Start was better ( storry ) but the rest is even worse…

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