Question On Shadow DH

I have played DH’s on PC from day 1 and have two accounts too.

I have been trying to get use to the xbox 1 controller. The problem I’m having is I keep running out hatred on the xbox 1. On PC I never run out of hatred. I have it basically setup the same on xbox that I would run on PC.

I’m using the “A” button for the impale. Plus I’m using Ricochet on the dagger. The dagger is a ancients one too. Now the the holy point has cold skill damage.

Over on the PC acc. That is all I ever use is the Ricochet. If I use Overpenetration over on the PC acc I do fine you will lose hatred more then using Ricochet.

So any help would be nice. I’m new at the xBox 1 game. I know I’ll make a lot of mistakes till I get use to the whole interface thing.