Question on Linux and Closed Bnet compatability

Hello, I have been wanting to play D2 with my brother again, but he has heard that he risks getting banned if he plays on closed Bnet due to him running on Linux. The issue that he heard was that D2’s anti hack system for closed Bnet can sometimes view wine as a third party hack.

Is there still a risk of Wine being viewed as a hack by the anti-cheat system?

It’s less that you’ll get banned for it and more that it will straight out not work. I used to be able to play on just fine on Linux in 2016 but after they changed some stuff on it, it no longer worked, game crashes after you connect to I just made a VM with Windows 10 (which I happened to own a license I never used) to play it. Sadly it’s the only way.

I read that the crash was fixed in wine 4.18.

Interesting, I only use proton now and I no longer play D2 on my main rig which is on linux, so I haven’t tested it since years ago