Question for you lore experts

Is there a book or something that gives a decent geography of Sanctuary?
Maps, city & towns, regions etc… Pre or post worldstone destruction.

At the very least the Diablo 2 and Diablo 3 manual books depicts of a map of Sanctuary, before and after Worldstone destruction respectively.

Image of Sanctuary taken from the Diablo 2 manual that shows how it looked before the Worldstone’s (as well as Mount Arreat) destruction:

Followed by an image of Sanctuary taken from the Diablo 3 website that shows how it looked after the Worldstone’s destruction:

Beyond that, I’m afraid I don’t know of anything else that gives a more detailed look at Sanctuary’s geography (at least nothing comes to mind at the current time of this post). If there is, I’d also love to see it.

Side note: For Diablo 4, we’ll be set in most of the eastern continent, at least in the base game.


Thank you for the reply, I was not sure but I thought there would be folks who had a better idea than I.

I have both of those maps plus two other non-official ones. There are some inconsistencies with all of them! Ha!

Arreat crater is not in the same place as Mount Arreat in the black and white map.
Also Harrogath must of survived the explosion, since you can talk to the characters post world stone destruction cut scene. They tell you Tyrael must of been right in destroying the whole thing.

So I’m sort of using judgement in where to place all the locations.

I thought since I brought up the subject of a Diablo Game, I would start to create one. I love making maps, so I’ll start there. Decided to use the pre-world stone destruction map, base the game before Diablo I.

If anyone has any suggestions on lore books or comics and such I should read, please let me know.

I’ll collect some miniatures and create some rules and accessories - My daughter is an artist so I’ll get some help from her (maybe). I’ve created a few board war games, so I have a little experience.

Be a good time killer…

Actually the npcs tell you this before Tyrael destroyed the worldstone, since entering the portal that tyrael created effectively ends the story of D2 LoD, which also ends with the destruction of the Worldstone. Now it is unknown if Harrogath was instantly wiped out along with the destruction of arreat, or if it was destroyed following some time (like a few years or so) after Tyrael destroyed the worldstone. More than likely it took a bit of time before the fallout reached Harrogath since Cain, as well as maybe some of the barbarians still residing within Harrogath, had managed to escape in time. The only known individual who hadn’t was Larzuk, who wasn’t as fortunate and died before managing escaping Harrogath (according to a blue post over a decade ago).

That said, since you’re basing your game off the map of pre-worldstone’s destruction, I would definitely suggest using the map from the Diablo 2 manual, and simply adding many of the missing landmarks, cities, towns, regions, etc. to it (for example adding Ivgorod north of aranoch), while also disregarding the things that were obviously added in the recent years, such as New Tristram which was established post-D2LoD.

Best of luck with your board game, I hope it turns out great as well as a fantastic pasttime for you.

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This is how Diablo Immortal World Map looks like: :point_down:

The Sanctuary map doesn’t really change that much.

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Thanks for the map. You’re right, it doesn’t change much, which tells us that it didn’t take much time for the fallout to settle after the destruction of the Worldstone (since D:I takes place approximately 5 years after D2LoD). That said, it adds areas that the other 2 maps didn’t possess that likely existed pre-Diablo 1, which as such could be added to the board game map that Bovie spoke of (such as Zoltun Kulle’s Library).

Thanks, there are some places that would indeed be on the map.
Is Ashwood Cemetery the same one as found in D3, Cemetery of the Forsaken? Or are they two separate places? (can’t have too many grave yards in a Diablo game!)

There are plenty of Barbarian survivors in Diablo Immortal. They were building back their home at Frozen Tundra…although some dead barbarians still fighting as ghosts against demon hordes without realizing that they were already dead until the DI heroes helped them to move on.

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Allow me to embed a larger version of that for you:

Here’s one of Diablo IV from the 2019 BlizzCon:


Wonder why they moved Westmarch? (Just noticed that).

Well that’s ok I’m going to take some artistic license any way with other info I’m accumulating.

Love to add the other small villages too. The release of Diablo 4 will I’m sure require me to edit/update the map, it’s release is not too far off distant.

And of course, Thank you Perusoe!

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I don’t think they moved it. It just didn’t had a specific place back then. If it had a more specific place there would be a star or dot, to indicate it’s precise location. It seems by the size of the letters though, that it is also could be the name of that region too. Like that whole peninsula.


That’s my guess as well. Not to mention that it may have been showing the kingdom of Westmarch, or it’s capital city (which shares the name Westmarch). I’m assuming for D:I, the map is pinpointing the city of Westmarch rather than the Kingdom as some of the other maps do.

A bit of this indeed.
There’s two Westmarchs.

  • The Kingdom of Westmarch, which includes towns and cities such as Westmarch City, Kingsport, Duncraig, etc.
  • The City of Westmarch, which is the capital city of the Kingdom of Westmarch.

Seems like a logical explaination to me

Well I can’t embed an image but if you look at the stock Diablo 3 map and look at the Immortal map you will see a difference.

The D3 map has a small castle icon which I assume is the location. It shows Westmarch north west of Bramwell, kind of centered on the peninsula. The Immortal map has moved Westmarch south to the coast.

To me it’s no big deal as I have a list of towns and cities that are not shown on the map at all. Was just bringing note to this.

Now the real question is the map that we saw is the whole Sanctuary or it is a part of the Sanctuary? Will there be another unexplored map/continent on the east side or the west?

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I’ve thought about the same thing. Considering how the WOW world keeps getting bigger, I wonder what a globe view of Sanctuary looks like!

From my understanding, it’s the whole of Sanctuary. That said, it certainly doesn’t account for areas that are underground and/or hidden (or even inaccessible) from sight, such as many ancient Nephalem cities.

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I believe some of the maps you’re looking at for D3 are incorrect. (Or are older maps).

The D3 map that @Oblivion posted above is from the D3 Game Guide.

If you notice, it shows the town of Westmarch in the same location as seen on the Diablo Immortal Map. (The dark gray castle-looking icon marks the town).


To add to what Perusoe stated, it seems that even in Diablo 4, Westmarch (the city) would be depicted in the same location as it is in Diablo Immortal and D3, at least according to BlizzCon 2019:

The video shows a map of Sanctuary, and since it pertains to Diablo 4, I’d take that as the correct iteration of the Sanctuary map, until further notice anyway.

edited: add one of the images from the video


Yes you are correct, I’m glad your looking out for me! Ha! I got the maps randomly off the Internet.

This is a very good video.

Thanks so much!