Question for the D2 die hards

Honest question: why don’t you just play Grim Dawn?

I’ve been tinkering around with Grim Dawn the last couple of days and it really feels like the spiritual successor to D2.

And it includes a TON of QoL improvements I’d kill to see in D3 actually like being able to pick items you auto vacuum and choosing which types of loot you see drop.

It’s cheap right now and could hold you over while waiting to find out if the D2 remaster is real.

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Because Grim Dawn is not Diablo. There’s no $$$ profit in its items. Even though there IS a Diablo 2 remake mod in GD.


Ive spent over 300 hours playing Grim Dawn and I still believe D2 itemization and gameplay loop is far greater. Why do you assume that people who are die hard D2 fans have not played similar games?


Diablo II is better, although it has quality of life improvements.

As the last game in the franchise, Diablo II deserves a successor to the franchise itself, and we’ve been waiting for that since 2000.


I am not a D2 die hard, but I am proposing a lot to not throw away the things, which went good in D2 for the sequels (which obviously has been made in D3). So maybe a lot of people would call me a D2 fanboy, who “should go and play D2”, but I just don’t want to play Grim Dawn, because Diablo is my favourite ARPG game ever. This is partly because of the atmosphere, partly because of the great effort and love, the devs back then put into the game (resulting in a good itemization, really well made mechanics, nice difficulty imo and a detailed world to play in).

Now given a game, you loved when you were younger and seeing, that prequels are going to come, you are naturally hyped for it. Now seeing, that the dev teams of the new parts seem to think, that

  • innovation

  • low difficulty

  • super fancy numbers, items and bling bling

are more important than

  • a profound pool of senseful stats

  • a big pool of items with balanced (simple) stats (and maybe on top some fancy things)

  • leaving the choice of how to play the (A)RPG to the player

makes me disappointed, because they have a very solid basic example (D2) of a successful ARPG and they keep ignoring it. They could just build the basic D4 around D2 and from there go to full innovation mode, but rather they get fancy right away and screw up balancing, itemization and longevity big time. That’s why I am giving feedback here instead of switching the franchise.


There is no assumption in my question Kraglord.
Read more carefully and with less bias.

An assumption question would sound more like: why haven’t you bought and played GD."

You said “Honest question: why don’t you just play Grim Dawn?”

That is an assumption that we are not already playing Grim Dawn.


Guess I should have tacked on: “instead of coming here complaining all the time.”

The first part of your reply was a legitimate answer to the question. The second part was unnecessary.

I really am curious about it. Like I said, GD strikes me as a fair spiritual successor to D2 unlike PoE which is it’s own thing and in my opinion deeply flawed in many areas.

GD seems like the closest thing to D2 with about 400% quality of life improvement.
And no bots or spam…

Stop with the D2 is hard crap. Brevik designed his Diablo games with the mom principle. It had to be simple enough for his mom to understand. D1, D2, and D3 were all easy games. D4 will be no different. Not to mention this is Blizzard. They have been making games easy and accessible to all since they started making games.

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Simple means not hard? I don’t want D4 to be a nobrainer like D3…

Simplicity btw is not even related to difficulty in any way…

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Only about 50 hours in but GD seems complex/ hard enough.
Already remade my character twice lol
Thought I’d be awesome and start on Veteran difficulty and got my butt whipped.

Have you played Diablo 2? Why don’t you play GD instead of coming to the Diablo 3 forum? Your question seems naive at the least.

If you think Grim Dawn is Diablo 2 then I’ve got some miracle oil to sell you.


I’m a big D2 fan. Also have about 1,500+ hours in D3 and find it decent but lacking. I’ve also played Grim Dawn and honestly I beat it one time and then tried playing it again recently and quit.

Grim Dawn is just bland and boring to me. Diablo 3 is more similar to Diablo 2 than Grim Dawn is. Grim Dawn mixes classes and I absolutely hate that. Probably why I don’t like PoE much either, though I did play much more PoE than Grim Dawn.

D2 is just the good old simple but deep and challenging game that I can keep booting up every once in a while.


Ah, Trollin, wondered when you’d show up.
Yeah, played a ton of D2. Currently playing both D3 and GD and enjoying the both of them.
Liked D2 a lot too, when I was playing it 15 years ago…

Also, your strawman doesn’t hold up. I don’t come here and complain about D3, though I do give feedback and suggestions on it and Hope’s for D4.

As usual you either miss the point or ignore it. My point is: there is a very good, updated, game out there that very much has the feel of D2 in the modern era.
Sorry you can’t make money off it but if people were truly looking for a decent D2 experience, it exists.

Edit: see Coolers reply. That’s a meaningful answer to my question. Doesn’t matter to me that he doesn’t feel the same why I do.

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It’s NOT okay to call me names. Though I can think of some fun ones with your name.

Who is trolling? Where did this come from? That was your quote there, pal. I didn’t even make an argument in my post let alone a strawman. I guess I said GD wasn’t D2 and you’re wanting to argue that?

Grim Dawn is more like D3 than D2.

Your whole thread is troll bait and you’re trying to start a fight now over literally nothing. Leave me alone.


This thread has NOTHING to do with Diablo 3 or Diablo 4. Furthermore, why do you think Grim Dawn, a game you appear to like less than D3, would appeal to D2 fans? This thread should fall to the next page.


Grim Dawn is offline. Diablo 2 has online server support. It may be over run with bots at this point but you can at least to still socialize and party up with people from time to time.

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I do like Grim Dawn and prefer it over D3, but both of these lack PVP and Grim Dawn Multiplayer is just meh.
Right now my favorites are just PoE and GD, but for different purposes.
D2 i tried Path of Diablo mod which i liked last season but will probably not play it again.
D2 is indeed too old tbh, but that doesnt mean that the core game mechanics are bad.
I would really enjoy and would play the remaster but ill just stick to modern ARPGs just like the ones listed above.

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I played a bit to D2 lately, even though I spent countless hours on it years ago I just can’t hook on it anymore.
The D3 progression is smooth but too forgiving, I don’t spend on a lot of time on it since my favorite set item (Natalya) is no longer viable in team.
I played with every other DH set item but its really not my thing, so I work on a Monk to play support.

I was a D2 die hard until the flaws begun to bother me.
Time has come for me to take it easy with gaming until D4 comes out I guess

Have played Diablo 2 for 15 years. Its the only game that has my interest.

Now onto the cake. Why not play Grim Dawn? Because its a only a temporary enjoyment. The Files are not server side only. Its saved on your pc. Resulting no trading. No trading meaning it may be fun for a few months. But a game that has a open economy will last for years.

Its been proven. Look at Diablo 2. Open trading with no restrictions and a good pvp will make players loyal forever.


The only thing Diablo 2 proves is that its community stinks from top to bottom. Botters, hackers, dupers, cheaters, griefers, illegal profiteers and really bad trolls with zero game.

But thanks for the laugh.

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