Question for season players

If you have the 5 stash tabs and all of the season rewards will you still play seasons if so why?
If nothing new will be added to seasons can’t you just run your GRs on NS?

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Because I enjoy the first weekend, where everyone playing starts from scratch

Not everyone plays the game for the same reasons.


I play seasons just for the fresh start, first couple of weeks are awesome, and on top of that having the seasonal theme to spice things up.

Also running GR’s on NS is really horrible now when I am used to having the QoL from the altar.


Since the Altar and Visions were made season exclusives, the QoL features they provide are still a major incentive.

Of course the starting from scratch is a boon too.


I play it for the gig. I try a niché build and see how many Greater Rift keys that I need to burn through before I make it somewhat viable. Once I achieved that I push around GR130-135 then simply I’m done with the Season. I have all the tabs, I only play for cosmetics I don’t have because I kind gave a huge break somewhere.


I like the fresh start.
I like to rank on the Seasonal Achievement LB.
Finding upgrades is fun and that is incredibly rare in non-season.
QOL in season that is not in non-season.
I like playing in groups sometimes and non-season is a graveyard.


This is why Blizz is the worse!


Asked in a topic titled “Question for season players” coming from a person who has over 10k posts AND a hidden profile.

I’m pressing X to doubt this is being asked in good faith.


Avalon is legit :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s exactly my point.

He has no business asking a question typically reserved for trolls or newbies. He ostensibly should be neither.

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People hide their profile for many reasons. Some do because they are trolling it up. Some do because they don’t want their point derailed based on their account. Some people do it because their profile is really none of anyone else’s business.

The question is relevant as their should be no new themes/cosmetics going forward. OP wants to know what is driving people to still play seasons. It is pretty obvious by the player drop off this season that themes/cosmetics were a driving force for a lot of people playing Seasons.


In this case I think Avalon is just trying to get a friendly discussion going. Nowadays he’s probably more into D4 but he has never hidden the fact that he usually plays D3 a bit every season just to get the journey done. Don’t know what he’ll do now that there is not going to be anything new in D3 seasons. So no new pets or other cosmetics.


Fair enough. Maybe I’m just conditioned to expect the worst out of blizz forums just in general these days.

In which case, let me actually be constructive here for a moment. I’m playing Seasons ENTIRELY because of the Altar. I’ve been “spoiled” in that regard; I really don’t want to play D3 without it.

If they ever bring Altar to NS - which is profoundly unlikely at this point - but if they ever do, I’d likely only play Seasons if there’s a theme I actually enjoy. Not that I “dislike” this upcoming theme, but I echo the sentiment that not all of them are winners, you know?


GRs aren’t the issue. It’s everything else.

By not bring the Altar and Fissures to non-season as part of their “permanency” plans, NS is very frustrating to farm in. The extra pick up and auto salvaging features of the Altar along with Fissures makes for a great alternative to rifts and bounties. I know because that’s what I mostly ran this season. Double primals is the icing on the cake.

For a relatively casual player like me who didn’t do seasons for the fresh start (I prefer access to my whole roster and then farming using the class/build I feel like at the time), the lack of new cosmetics or extra stash tabs makes playing seasons quite futile. And no Altar or Fissures in NS makes playing NS quite futile as well.

I’m already there. Though, instead of playing NS and continuing to be a Blizzard supporter, I’m just gonna go play other games and come back when the Ethereals or Crucibles seasons are repeated… assuming I even notice the announcement.

And no, the other games does not include D4. That game was a massive step backwards with some of the key ARPG features I liked about D3. Maybe the itemisation rework patch will fix some of those things… who knows. I don’t want to do beta testing anymore. They couldn’t even get D3 right before maintenance mode so I’m not gonna bother with D4.

This is most likely why Avalon posted the question. There are a lot of players who only play for the goodies. Many of those people don’t understand why others play if only the fresh start is available.

Right now, isn’t everyone’s profile hidden? At least mine is and I haven’t hidden it, nor can I see anyone’s profile.

PS To answer OP’s question: I just like the leveling part of the first week. I just like the thrill of starting from scratch and trying out the new theme, although this season might be a short one for me. The theme is a bit meh. I guess I’ll check out D4 when season 4 starts.

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I can view your profile just fine.
Argos#1307 - Community - Diablo III (

One thing to take into consideration is that if they’re on EU or Asia, you need to change the region to view their characters.


Click on the tag, hit “view activity” and on the right it has “view profile”.


Mine has the “View Activity” but not the “view Profile”. It used to have it. Weird thing is, non of the posters in this forum have the “view profile” option when I check their tags

  1. fresh start
  2. day 1/first week buzz
  3. having a quality pool of other players to group with
  4. farming with Altar and Fissures
  5. addition of rotating theme
  6. uncompromised leaderboards

These are pretty much the reasons for playing seasons now. I only really care about 3, 4 and 5, though… 3 is becoming less important as most of the past season, I played solo. and 5 is only desirable for me when it’s ethereals, soul shards or crucibles. 4 alone isn’t a good enough reason to do a season.